Dear Readers:
After reading Sharanya ji's response, I pondered for a while, How I can describe or name, this special kind of relationship, the Naxlites enjoy with adherent Activists and Leftists; how bad is (too bad) this Naxlite-Activist nexus, for the sandwiched BPL,BPPL(2kids),BPPPL(3kids) and BPPPPL (4kids) tribal people, who trust both the activists and Naxlites, without knowing about the proposed drone or helicopter hunting pursuit.
Can this be analogous to Dhritarashtra's love for Duryodhana, which led to destruction of Kuru Vansh ?
Or Is it be the love of a typical benovalent Indian mother, who covers the mischiefs of her sons or daughetrs; helps them to avoid the wrath of their discipline seeking father and contributes the destruction of her sons and daughters.
Finally, I could able to name this 'Anokha' relationship as Jai-Veeru (Sholay fame) .
Please pardon my levity, but I couldn't find any better way to create public awareness about the need and advantages of the Operation Green Hunt. Those among us, who don't wish to be terrorised in a train and don't want to travel in a train without a driver - join hands and support Operation Green Hunt. We have already enough loss of freedom courtesy foriegn terrorists and we don't need any local terrorists to play with our freedom and emotions for whatever cause.
Here you go..
Of late the activists and leftists have been singing the following song for the Naxlites..
ये तो (Naxlites) हैं अल्बेलें , हजारों में अकेले , सदा तुमने ऐब देखा . हुनर / गरीबी तो न देखा
Veeru is a Naxlite. After hearing about Operation Green Hunt, his best friend Jai meets ठाकुर Chidambaram's Mausi to seek her help to abandon the Operation Green Hunt initiated by her nephew ठाकुर Chidambaram.
मौसी (ठाकुर Chidambaram's) : बुरा नहीं मानना बेटा , इतना तो पूछना ही पड़ता है की Naxlite Veeru का खानदान क्या है , उसके लक्षण कैसे हैं , कमाता कितना है
Jai (Activists/Leftists): कमाने का तो ये है मौसी की एक बार गवर्नमेंट अपनी जिम्मेदारी ले लें तो कमाने भी लगेगा
मौसी (ठाकुर Chidambaram's) : तो क्या अभी कुछ भी नहीं कमाता
Jai (Activists/Leftists): नहीं नहीं मौसी … कमाता है … लेकिन अब रोज़ रोज़ (कामचोर ) आदमी मेहेनेत तो नहीं कर सकता न (सर्कार के होते हुए) , थक जाता है बेचारा … अब ये कम्बक्थ बन्दूक चीज ही ऐसी है …!
मौसी (ठाकुर Chidambaram's): तो क्या डाकू है ?
Jai (Activists/Leftists): छी छी ! वोह तो बहुत ही नेक और शरीफ नक्सल है मौसी … लेकिन एक बार बन्दूक हाथ लग गयी न , तो नोट बरसने लगते हैं ! डर जो जातें हैं लोग और सर्कार !!, तो इसमें उसका क्या दोष है !
मौसी (ठाकुर Chidambaram's): ठीक कहते हो … कामचोर हो , उग्रबादी हो , पुलिस और जनता को डराता हो, लेकिन उसका कोई दोष नहीं !
Jai (Activists/Leftists): मौसी आप तो मेरे नक्सल दोस्त को गलत समझ रही हैं … एक बार सर्कार से फिरौती (डेवेलोपमेंट ग्रांट) मिल गयी तो वोह रेलगाडी को बंधक बनाना बंद कर देगा.! डराना अपने आप छूट जायेगी…
मौसी (ठाकुर Chidambaram's): है है ! बस यही एक कमी (trainjacking) रह गयी थी ?
Jai (Activists/Leftists): तो इसमें कौन सी बुरी बात है मौसी ! अरे फिरौती के लिया अपहरण तो सोमाली जलदस्यु (pirate), मुस्लिम उग्रबादी भी कर रहे हैं ! हमेशा अख़बारों के सुर्खियों में रहते हें ! माल जो तगड़ा मिलता हैं, बिना कुछ मेहेनत करके !
मौसी (ठाकुर Chidambaram's): तो बेटा , ये भी बताते जाओ की तुम्हारे ये "कामचोर गुणवान नक्सल " दोस्त किस खानदान के हैं !
Jai (Activists/Leftists): बस मौसी ,बहुत ही साहसी त्रिबल (tribal) खानदान से हैं, जहाँ बिना कुछ कमाई होते हुए भी लोग चार चार बच्चें पैदा करने को डरते नहीं है ! परदेस जाके कमाने से, सरकार की इंतजार में भूखा मरना पसंद करते हैं ! पढाई लिखाई को बेकार समझ ते हैं !
मौसी (ठाकुर Chidambaram's): एक बात बोलूंगी बेटा , भले ही तुम्हारे दोस्त में सौ बुराई हों , मगर तुम्हारे मुँह से उसके लिए सिर्फ तारीफें ही निकलती हैं !
Jai (Activists/Leftists): अब क्या करून मौसी, मेरा तो दिल ही कुछ ऐसा है ! मेरा एक डॉक्टर दोस्त बिनायक सेन तो जेल भी जाकर आगया है , मेरे से भी बड़ा दिल है उसका ! तो ये में ऑपरेशन ग्रीन हंट बंद समझू !
मौसी (ठाकुर Chidambaram's): बंद ? हाँ बेटा जरुर . बंद ही समझों ; बस तुम मुझे तुम्हारा दोस्त वीरू का पत्ता बतादो . में बस वीरू को एक बार मुलिंका पराठा खिलाना चाहती हूँ, जैसा उत्पल दत्त , रामप्रसाद को खिलाना चाहाता था (मुलिंका पराठा खाओगे बेटा रामप्रसाद - मूवी- गोलमाल).
Cell: 09000772694
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Comments from leftists and liberals welcome too.
On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 12:32 PM, Kundan Kumar <> wrote:
Dear Sharanya ji
Mr Padhi is carrying on a long tradition of caste discrimination which has
now found its western counterpart in rightwing racism. This tradition puts
the blame on victim- whether it be hers fate to be born in a untouchable
family or with a black skin color. See the focus on destiny (born with). A
part of larger status quo tradition.
Also note the examples provided - "*For an instance, one comes from USA foropportunity and he misses that *"
a scheduled high school reunion after 25 years, a once in life time
A person so removed from reality of daily Bandhs and disruptions in India-
and the realities of life of Indian people - specially the poor- what can
one say? A person sits in his gated community in some suburb of USA,
dreaming his "all American dream" and trying to impose that on his
"imagined" homeland. And wastes everyone's time with his inanities.
Even in USA these people are considered the lunatic fringe (the birthers,
the neo-cons, the rush Limbaugh fans). I wonder how remote are they from our
KundanYou are so blinded by your love for the BPL farmers and tribals that you forgot to understand that the people about whom Manas talks are the same farmers and tribals whom you so much love! The only difference is, he sees their reality with his eyes open and you look at them through your America-made tinted glasses!And if you had surfed through all channels broadcasting the train detention for 5 precious hours (sic!) then all of your 'poor elite passengers' whom you so empathise with never even stated one single word against the PCPA actvists. Time and again, everyone interviewed from the driver to the little boy, stated upfront to the media that the activists were well behaved, gave them food and water and did not harm them. Some passengers even empathised with the activists and said they were sad about the torture being faced by tribals in Lalgarh because that is what the actvists explained to the passengers after they detained the train. Now should you say that all those passengers who stated before the media were Maoist sympathisers, human rights activists or simply anti-nationals ?And you talk about Maoists being insensitive to public convenience. So perhaps that self-gloating loathesome Minister who stops all traffic from plying on busy roads on working days because he has to rush to Parliament for which he is already one hour late very concerned about public convenience ? And what about the Minister who makes all flights wait for two hours at Bhubaneswar because he cannot arrive on time for a private flight to Delhi after a scheming and plotting politicians' meet ? Look at his concern for public !LET ME COMMENT ON THE FEW LINES STATED BY YOU BELOW :"As a Republican, neither I am jealous about Ambanis not sorry about the state of tribals, who acted irresponsibly; I am a well wisher of all BPL farmers and tribals. We are born with our own destiny,make our own decisions, do hard work and live with the good or bad
consequences. If a tribal or an Odisha farmer, who committed suicide decides to go for 4 kids, without owning any land or any steady income, that was his choice to remain poor for generations, like (nuclear) poor fission. Why blame Republicans because they don't want to redistribute/waste our wealth (tax) on a section of people, who reproduced irresponsibly ? What life they can give to their 4 kids by being alive or committing suicide ? Tribal advocates fighting for their cause - can they please let the readers know - what is the average number of kids in a tribal family ? When engineers working in metros and making Rs. 50,000 per month go for 1 or 2 kids, why the farmers and tribals are going for 4 kids without any income ? Because Rs. 2/- kg rice is available at tax payers money, which otherwise would have utilized on the salary of a primary education teacher. Next birth, I may be a farmer or tribal; there is nothing wrong to be tribal. but instead of accepting their BPL status, when they become jealous about the VIPs of Rajdhani Express,under the bad influence of communist ideology, there is a serious problem out there."
1. Before you reprimand the tribal and the farmer for having 4 kids ask the Prime Minister why even today about 4 out of 7 children born to a villager survive beyond the age of six ? All of the 4 children of the tribal whom you so despise would not see teenage unlike your own children who gobble a tablet at the slightest run of the nose.Think about why the tribal and farmer has 4 children - because he does not know how many of them will really go into adulthood2. Do you really believe all of us make our own decisions ? That the farmer decided he did not want land and so on ? Was it the farmer's decision to drink pesticide and commit suicide or was he pushed into that desperation ? Did a non-tribal land grabber cheat the tribal into mortgaing his land or did the tribal decide to give it away to the non-tribal absentee landlord ? Do you think the tribal activists of PCPA decided that they wanted the police batons on their backs and bullets in their heads ?3. Let me remind you that the teacher's salary has seen increments in the last two Pay Commissions while rates of essential commodities have not seen any growth - you forgot that there is negative farm growth the world over! And who deprived the farmer and the tribal from their income ? Is it not the corporate land grabbers and the resource hungry industries which ate into tribals' and farmers' livelihoods without paying even a pittance in return ? And mind you, tax payer is also the farmer and the tribal. In fact even the Income Tax guys admit that a greater percentage of the poor people pay taxes more regularly than the rich so it is not only your rupee that feeds the farmer. It is their own contributions. Perhaps you should stop paying taxes - you are actually feeding farmers and their kids !4. How full of jealousy and insecurity you sound when you say that tribals are jealous of the Rajdhani travellers. They did not go to grab the riches of the passengers. Had they been under that motive they would have looted. They did not even carry guns as per all the passengers' and the driver's statements! They went to show people like you what a tribal, cheated and cornered, with its back to the wall can do. And I will repeat that no passenger had a word of anger or vengeance for the tribal activists. Please go back to your TV and review all the footages of the train detention.Best wishes to you for carrying on your relentless baiting of public opinion through e-based armchair activism in favour of elites.Sharanya.![]()
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