PATNA: Thanks to financial support from the National Bank for
Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard), around 24 sex workers in
Munger town can see light at the end of the tunnel, as they have started
new income generating activities suited to the mainstream society. The
activities come under the Joint Liability Group (JLG) that the bank is

Two JLGs comprising sex workers have been formed in Munger town. Each group has been provided with bank linkage through Bihar Kshetriya Gramin Bank (BKGB). The two JLGs have been named 'Ekta JLG-1' and 'Ekta JLG-2'.
"We, as a policy, have been promoting the formation of JLG in the state. In Munger, we have shown that it can be done among sex workers, too. And, it can be done in other towns as well," said Nabard manager here, Asha Chandra. 'BKGB is our joint liability promotional institution (JLPI) in the state," he added.
As it is, the two JLGs have been sanctioned Rs80,000 each, so that the members could start their new income generating activities for their livelihood. Members of Ekta JLG-1 are engaged in tailoring activity and members of Ekta JLG-2 have opened a shop for selling bangles.
"Now, each member of the JLG is earning Rs2,500-3,500 per month," says the Nabard communique, adding: "Their incomes increase substantially during marriage and festive seasons. These JLG members are no longer in flesh trade. Now they have the feeling of dignity and self-respect."
While financial support has raised the sex workers' hope, that they could find alternative source of income outside their profession, the institutional support neither appears distant nor a dream for them. Gulabi, a JLG member, is actually amazed to see a bank opening a new horizon for her to engage in alternative source of livelihood.
Julee, before becoming a member of the JLG, used to take loan from moneylenders at the rate of interest as high as 76-120% per annum with the binding rule in such a situation that 'greater the need, higher the interest.'
Now with the bank loan available to them, at 11% interest per annum, they don't have to knock at the door of moneylenders. According to Geeta, a member of the JLG who teaches children of sex workers, after being brought in the JLG net, the sex workers feel emancipated, socially and psychologically.
The JLGs have been envisioned for farmers and also for interested persons in urban areas. Nabard has been promoting formation of JLGs in eight districts, including Munger. It sanctioned a project to the BKGB in this regard.
As to the formation of JLG among sex workers of Munger, the BKGB contacted an NGO, 'Panaah Ashram', which was already working for the education of sex workers, to motivate them to come under the ambit of JLG for earning their livelihood through alternative means. That the success of Nabard and the BKGB initiative has brought the willy-nilly sex workers from 'red light' to 'ray of light', claims Nabard.
In 2002, Newport was successful in securing funding from the Welsh Assembly Government that was used to support our first Condom Distribution Scheme, which was named 'Willy Nilly'.
Initially, the Scheme was aimed at vulnerable/at risk young people (e.g., people at risk of unplanned teenage pregnancy/sexually transmitted infections). Therefore a major part of the Willy Nilly Scheme was the provision of training for local agencies that worked directly with young people who fell into these criteria. This meant that appropriate professionals who had received Willy Nilly training would distribute free condoms and sexual health advice. Training is still on-going, and will continue, as many agencies are increasing in size, and new organisations are seeking to become condom distribution points.
The Scheme is managed and co-ordinated by Newport Local Public Health Team, and funded by Newport Local Health Board.
There are around 50 organisations involved in Willy Nilly. Increasing numbers of young people are becoming aware of the Scheme.
The Info Shop (133 Commercial Street Newport) is at present one of Willy Nilly's most popular and accessible distribution points. Here you can find out from youth workers where else to access free condoms via Willy Nilly in your area of Newport, also you can ask your local Youth Workers, School Health Nurses or Carol Hadfield, Sexual Health Outreach Worker about the Scheme. Information about the Sexual Health Outreach Worker can be found here. Help and advice is also available from your local young people's clinic, family planning clinic, sexual health clinic or G.P practice. Details of these can be found in the sexual health services section of this website, or in the 'Clued Up' Newport booklet, you can download the online version here, which lists local sexual health clinics/services and signposts to various help-lines and organisations. The Clued Up booklet is available from the Information Shop, the Youth Service, School Health Nurses, Newport's Sexual Health Outreach Worker, GU Med Clinic (Royal Gwent Hospital site), and the Young People's Clinic (26 Clytha Park Road 01633 435975, open Wednesdays 4.30 - 6.30 pm).
There's no need to worry about asking for condoms. Willy Nilly is a service just for you!
Below is a list of the scheme's objectives;
Even if you are under 16, you still have the same right to confidentiality as an adult, although you should be aware that there are many advantages to discussing your feelings with a parent/carer or a close family member. See our section on confidentiality
When approaching services for sexual health advice, condoms etc., the people who will speak with you are especially trained to work with young people, and are not there to judge you, or to make you feel embarrassed or threatened.
Willy Nilly is a service designed especially for you. Please feel free to fill in the questionnaire if you're collecting your condoms from the Info Shop to tell us what you think!
Don't forget, condoms and confidential sexual health advice are also free from the family planning/sexual health clinics and the young people's clinic as listed in the 'Clued Up' booklet.
Two JLGs comprising sex workers have been formed in Munger town. Each group has been provided with bank linkage through Bihar Kshetriya Gramin Bank (BKGB). The two JLGs have been named 'Ekta JLG-1' and 'Ekta JLG-2'.
"We, as a policy, have been promoting the formation of JLG in the state. In Munger, we have shown that it can be done among sex workers, too. And, it can be done in other towns as well," said Nabard manager here, Asha Chandra. 'BKGB is our joint liability promotional institution (JLPI) in the state," he added.
As it is, the two JLGs have been sanctioned Rs80,000 each, so that the members could start their new income generating activities for their livelihood. Members of Ekta JLG-1 are engaged in tailoring activity and members of Ekta JLG-2 have opened a shop for selling bangles.
"Now, each member of the JLG is earning Rs2,500-3,500 per month," says the Nabard communique, adding: "Their incomes increase substantially during marriage and festive seasons. These JLG members are no longer in flesh trade. Now they have the feeling of dignity and self-respect."
While financial support has raised the sex workers' hope, that they could find alternative source of income outside their profession, the institutional support neither appears distant nor a dream for them. Gulabi, a JLG member, is actually amazed to see a bank opening a new horizon for her to engage in alternative source of livelihood.
Julee, before becoming a member of the JLG, used to take loan from moneylenders at the rate of interest as high as 76-120% per annum with the binding rule in such a situation that 'greater the need, higher the interest.'
Now with the bank loan available to them, at 11% interest per annum, they don't have to knock at the door of moneylenders. According to Geeta, a member of the JLG who teaches children of sex workers, after being brought in the JLG net, the sex workers feel emancipated, socially and psychologically.
The JLGs have been envisioned for farmers and also for interested persons in urban areas. Nabard has been promoting formation of JLGs in eight districts, including Munger. It sanctioned a project to the BKGB in this regard.
As to the formation of JLG among sex workers of Munger, the BKGB contacted an NGO, 'Panaah Ashram', which was already working for the education of sex workers, to motivate them to come under the ambit of JLG for earning their livelihood through alternative means. That the success of Nabard and the BKGB initiative has brought the willy-nilly sex workers from 'red light' to 'ray of light', claims Nabard.
Willy Nilly?
This term has two, slightly differing, but
related meanings: 'whether it is with or against your will' and 'in an
unplanned, haphazard fashion'. We tend to use the latter of these
meanings today; the former was the accepted meaning.when the term was
first coined.
There are many spellings in early citations,
which relate to the 'with or against your will' meaning of the phrase -
'wille we, nelle we', 'will he, nill he', 'will I, nill I', etc. The
expression also appears later as 'nilly willy' or 'willing, nilling', or
even, in a later humourous version 'william nilliam'.
The early meaning of the word nill is key to this. In early English
nill was the opposite of will a contraction of 'ne will'.
That is, will meant to want to do something, nill meant to want to
avoid it.
So, combining the willy - 'I am willing' and nilly - 'I am unwilling'
expresses the idea
that it doesn't matter to me one way or the other.
The Latin phrase 'nolens, volens' means the same thing, although it isn't clear whether the English
version is a simple translation of that.
The second, 'in an undecided, haphazard
manner', meaning of willy-nilly arrives from the first. The changeable
'this way, then that way' imagery of willy-nilly behaviour fits with our
current 'haphazard' meaning of the term.
There's also a, now archaic, phrase 'hitty missy' that had a similar derivation. That comes from 'hit he, miss he'.
There's also a, now archaic, phrase 'hitty missy' that had a similar derivation. That comes from 'hit he, miss he'.
The phrase dates back at least a millennium, with the earliest known version being the Old English text, Aelfric's Lives of Saints, circa 1000:
"Forean the we synd synfulle and sceolan beon eadmode, wille we, nelle we."
Shakespeare was familiar with, and apparently quite fond of, the expression in various forms. He used it in The Taming of the Shrew, 1596:
Petruchio: [To Katharina]Thus in plain terms: your father hath consented
That you shall be my wife; your dowry 'greed on;
And, Will you, nill you, I will marry you.
[I.e. I will marry you, whether you like it or not.]
and again, in Hamlet:
First Clown: Give me leave. Here lies the water; good: here stands the man; good; if the man go to this water, and drown himself, it is, will he, nill he, he goes.
[I.e. If a man chooses to drown he enters the water, if he chooses not, he leaves.]
The 'undecided' meaning of the expression
appears to have spawned the later 'shilly-shally'. The OED is a little
lax in dating this from the end of the 19th century. They cite Sir
Walter Besant's novel The Orange Girl, 1898:
"Let us have no more shilly shally, willy nilly talk."
That makes the connection between 'willy-nilly'
and 'shilly-shally' apparent. There are literally thousands of 18th and
19th century pre-datings of the phrase, in various newspapers and works
of literature; for example, The Adventures of Dick Hazard, 1755:
Where I quartered, a good buxom Widow kept the house; and I had her before I was ten days in town --D-- me. She knew things better than to stand Shilly Shally.
In 2002, Newport was successful in securing funding from the Welsh Assembly Government that was used to support our first Condom Distribution Scheme, which was named 'Willy Nilly'.
Initially, the Scheme was aimed at vulnerable/at risk young people (e.g., people at risk of unplanned teenage pregnancy/sexually transmitted infections). Therefore a major part of the Willy Nilly Scheme was the provision of training for local agencies that worked directly with young people who fell into these criteria. This meant that appropriate professionals who had received Willy Nilly training would distribute free condoms and sexual health advice. Training is still on-going, and will continue, as many agencies are increasing in size, and new organisations are seeking to become condom distribution points.
The Scheme is managed and co-ordinated by Newport Local Public Health Team, and funded by Newport Local Health Board.
There are around 50 organisations involved in Willy Nilly. Increasing numbers of young people are becoming aware of the Scheme.
The Info Shop (133 Commercial Street Newport) is at present one of Willy Nilly's most popular and accessible distribution points. Here you can find out from youth workers where else to access free condoms via Willy Nilly in your area of Newport, also you can ask your local Youth Workers, School Health Nurses or Carol Hadfield, Sexual Health Outreach Worker about the Scheme. Information about the Sexual Health Outreach Worker can be found here. Help and advice is also available from your local young people's clinic, family planning clinic, sexual health clinic or G.P practice. Details of these can be found in the sexual health services section of this website, or in the 'Clued Up' Newport booklet, you can download the online version here, which lists local sexual health clinics/services and signposts to various help-lines and organisations. The Clued Up booklet is available from the Information Shop, the Youth Service, School Health Nurses, Newport's Sexual Health Outreach Worker, GU Med Clinic (Royal Gwent Hospital site), and the Young People's Clinic (26 Clytha Park Road 01633 435975, open Wednesdays 4.30 - 6.30 pm).
There's no need to worry about asking for condoms. Willy Nilly is a service just for you!
Below is a list of the scheme's objectives;
- To increase the availability of free condoms and information relating to sexual health
- To decrease the spread of HIV and sexually transmitted infections, also unplanned pregnancy rates
- To eliminate barriers such as financial cost and embarrassment when accessing condoms
- To assist Newport's youth to make informed choices regarding their sexual health
- To provide training for youth workers and other key workers to give basic sexual health advice and or refer those who require further support to local community sexual health services
Even if you are under 16, you still have the same right to confidentiality as an adult, although you should be aware that there are many advantages to discussing your feelings with a parent/carer or a close family member. See our section on confidentiality
When approaching services for sexual health advice, condoms etc., the people who will speak with you are especially trained to work with young people, and are not there to judge you, or to make you feel embarrassed or threatened.
Willy Nilly is a service designed especially for you. Please feel free to fill in the questionnaire if you're collecting your condoms from the Info Shop to tell us what you think!
Don't forget, condoms and confidential sexual health advice are also free from the family planning/sexual health clinics and the young people's clinic as listed in the 'Clued Up' booklet.
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