Maa Chandraghanta is one Who establishes justice and wears crescent
moon on Her head. Because of this bell shaped mark of moon which is
present on the fore head of Maa Chandraghanta, Maa is known as
Chandraghanta. The colour of her body is golden, she rides on lion who
descrides “dharma”, possesses ten hands and three eyes, eight of Her
hands display weapons while the remaining two are respectively in the
mudras of gestures of boon giving and stopping harm. Devi Maa is posed
as to be ready for war. “Chandra Ghanta” meaning supreme bliss and
knowledge, showering peace and serenity, like cool breeze in a moonlit
night. By her blessings all the hindrances coming in way of a person are
removed. Her pleasant looks clears all sorrows and sadness of her
devotees. Her roaring voice alerts and makes the Demons to tremble.
In Durga Pooja the third day of Navratri is very important in
Navaratri. This day the mind of the sadhak enters Manipura Cakra. At
this stage by the grace of Maa Chandraghanta he becomes capable of
seeing unearthly and divine things. He smells the divine fragrance and
many types of divine sound become audible to him. On this day and in
this stage of discipline the sadhak is required to be most careful.
By the grace of Mother Chandraghanta all sins of the sadhak (striver)
are burnt up and obstacles removed. Her worship is instantly fruitful.
She is always in a gesture as if ready to proceed for the battlefield
and thus she removes the difficulties of devotees very promptly. Her
vehicle is lion and so her worshiper becomes valorous and fearless like a
lion. The sound of her bell always protects her devotees from evil
spirits. As soon as the sadhak invokes her, her bell immediately becomes
active and starts ringing to protect the devotee under her shelter.
Even though she keeps her always busy in killing and suppressing the
wicked, yet to her devotees and worshipers she looks most serene, gentle
and peaceful. A very good quality that is developed in her devotees who
worship her, is-the striver cultivates bravery and fearlessness
accompanied by serenity and humility. His face, eyes and the entire body
gets effulgent. His voice becomes divinely sweet. Wherever the devotee
worshiper of mother Chandraghanta go, they disperse peace and blessings
among the people. From the body of such a striver there always takes
place an invisible radiation of divinely lighted atoms. This divine
action is beyond the perceiving capacity of physical eyes but the
striver himself and his associates go on experiencing this fact every
now and then. By purifying his mind, words, deeds and body through
prescribed manner we should worship the mother Chandraghanta and take
shelter under her feet. Through worshiping her we can get rid of all
worldly sorrows, and attain the supreme goal spontaneously. We should
always try to advance on the path of spiritual discipline by
contemplating on the sacred image of the mother. Contemplating on her,
we can attain the mundane perfection and ultimate good in the other
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