Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Some 35 women, all grassroots workers with the Bihar Mahila Samakhya Society, attended a training programme conducted by the local Sambad 0612- 275757Helpline, Bihar's only HIV-AIDS counselling service in English, Hindi, Bhojpuri, Maithili, and Patna dialect.

 Mahila Samakhya Society, Bihar
Govt. of Bihar
East Gandhi Maidan, Patna 800004
PATNA: "If you're HIV positive, roadside chaat is definitely not for you," says Usha Devi, firmly. "If anyone in my family is HIV positive, we'll make sure that she drinks boiled water and plenty of it. Even if she looks healthy, she must be protected from any chance of infection," she added.

Usha Devi isn't a doctor, just a neo-literate woman from a village in Purnia. But thanks to a collaborative effort of some NGOs in Bihar, she's equipped with enough basic knowledge and confidence to help HIV positive people and their families battle discrimination.

"Don't hit us with information on how AIDS is acquired. We know that. Tell us what to do when someone has AIDS, how to handle it and how to help," echoed 25-year-old Suman Kumari from Supaul. "We want to know where to get tested, where to get medicines, how to treat these patients at home where there is no hospital," she said.

HIV and AIDS is no longer a remote exotic disease for Bihar's villages and towns. Every day government and private labs handle hundreds of HIV tests and, as a technician from the Kurji Holy Family Hospital (KHFH) put it, "Every week, there's bound to be one or two HIV positive result in the blood samples tested. It's not something rare, like a decade ago. There's more testing, there's more awareness."

Shantwana Bharti, who looks after women's legal affairs at Mahila Samakhya, said, "Every block in Bihar has 20-30 persons who are locally known to be infected. So, it is all the more important how to tell the people to manage HIV and AIDS, because it is ignorance that breeds fear. And this fear leads to violence or the expulsion of the affected person."

Nineteen-year-old Shruti Sinha insisted that she as well as her would-be husband should be tested for HIV. "My parents were shocked. They felt really embarrassed to bring such a subject to the guy's family," she said. On her insistence, the boy agreed that it was the sensible thing to do. Imagine her distress when the results showed that it was Shruti, and not the boy, who was HIV positive. Two years before, Shruti had undergone a blood transfusion at a private clinic. Her AB negative group was rare. So the blood was 'arranged'. The clinic claimed that the blood was 'tested'. "The test shattered my dreams. I wanted to sue the clinic. Here, the legal process is complicated. I was shattered and angry," she said.

Her parents were traumatized. "What we need is information on how to live with HIV, not just how to prevent it," she says. Her father spent lots of money on 'Ayurvedic treatment' for HIV. It was only after a prolonged discussion with AIDS counsellors that he realized that such 'medicines' were no substitute for the antiretroviral therapy (ART).

Shruti is gainfully employed at a call centre in Patna, but she still remains 'in the closet'. "The poor cannot afford to buy ART from private sources. They need a dependable supply, and the supply is often erratic. ART is a complicated regimen and the medicines have to be administered strictly according to time. It is better the family learn how to prolong the 'good health' window of an infected person by simple and balanced diet and avoiding any chance for infection," says Sister Francina, who runs a community care centre for AIDS patients on the KHFH campus.

Bihar is changing, but where's the change in attitude? That's what Shalini, a IInd-year student of JD Women's College asks. The AIDS education programmes are of 1990s vintage. The ground reality has changed, point out experts. For example, the myth about HIV infection from a used razor has long been smashed, because the virus is too fragile to survive outside its medium for more than a few seconds. But people are still told that you can get HIV through 'infected blades'.

Bihar State Aids Control Society needs to tune up. "We need proper access to the ART and more community care centres, not just the so-called Behaviour Change and Information Education Communication. Government must ensure safe blood products, and close illegal blood banks. We need doctors who are supportive, sensitive, and knowledgeable. Many government doctors aren't updated on the latest information. This can be seen from the way they shun HIV positive patients. We need to talk about care, support and life rather than repeat the same tired slogan, 'AIDS kills'. Young people don't pay attention to the same old messages," says Sanjeet Singh, an active member of the Bihar Network of Positive People.
Says Anshuman, a psychology (hons) student of AN College, "Times are changing. India now belongs to people under-30. That's the reality of life. Lifestyle has changed. Condoms and HIV management are parts of life. No use trying to turn the clock back by banning this and stopping that. It's time to deal with it."
(Some names of women have been changed to protect their identity)

source :TOI                                                                                                                                                                                        

'Eradication of Corruption and Social Responsibilities: Opportunities and Challenges':-Former Army chief Gen VK Singh was Speaking
PATNA: Former Army chief Gen VK Singh  exhorted the people particularly youths to rise to the occasion as politicians of all parties are trying to ruin the future of the nation by devaluing democratic institutions and values.
He said all democratic institutions like CAG, judiciary and even Election Commission have become a subject of criticism by politicians. "Whenever these constitutional authorities start acting against corrupt politicians or political parties, they are criticized by these corrupt people. These politicians have not spared even the army who dedicate their life for the cause of the nation," he said, adding the country is passing through a difficult phase as corruption has taken a monstrous shape retarding the process of development.
Recalling Bihar's students' agitation led by JP in 1974, Gen Singh said the state has always fought for the cause of the nation and led the country from the front. "It had then changed the political profile of the country. Now time has once again come for the youth of the state to rise to the occasion to take the country out of present morass. I am ready to give them the leadership," Gen Singh said.
He advised youths to inculcate the same kind of unity among themselves that was prevalent during freedom struggle. "During freedom struggle, there was one goal that country attains Independence and everybody gets proper livelihood. It was because of this reason that people united against the Britishers. We need the same kind of unity now to throw out corrupt politicians who have ruined this country," Singh said.
"It seems, like Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose's slogan, 'tum hamein khun do hum azadai denge', our leaders have developed a new slogan - 'tum hamein paisa do, hum tumhen kaam denge'. Corruption has crept into their blood," he said.
He further said the government at the centre has failed on every front. "They talk about GDP growth rate but it doesn't fill one's belly. In India, democracy has been reduced to election politics which normally is guided by top business houses. In such a situation common people can't fight election. This trend has to be altered."
Former DG Manoje Nath said corruption can't be erased by law alone. "It is unfortunate that constitutional institutions are being attacked. It is a dangerous trend and has to be changed. Laws are adequate but whether these are being enforced effectively or not is to be seen.
Retired bureaucrat I C Kumar, U K Singh, Chairman of Bihar legislative council Awdhesh Narain Singh, Gandhian Nirmal Bhai and A K Nayak also spoke on the occasion.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

August Kranti-9th August 1942 Mahatma Gandhi launched the Quit India movement v/s 9th August 2012 Anna Hazare launched his anti-corruption movement         
On 9 August 1942, Mahatma Gandhi      Anna Hazare ki anti-corruption movement
launched the Quit India Movement, ...

 August Kranti Maidan is a park in central Mumbai known as Gowalia Tank Maidan where Mahatma Gandhi issued the Quit India speech on 9 August 1942 decreeing that the British must leave India immediately or else mass agitations would take place. The call mobilised the citizens to a huge Civil Disobedience movement as the British refused to grant independence till the War was over.

The closest suburban railway station on the Western Railway line is Grant Road.
The Gowalia Tank was initially used to bathe cows. Go - Walia comes from the marathi word Gaie (cow) Wala (owner of the cattle). The cattle owners would bring the cows to be bathed in the waters of the tank. The Maidan that exists over there presently was built over the tank, which still exists underground. Gowalia Tank was also a very prominent tram terminus. Trams would start and finish there and one could travel to the Prince of Wales Museum in one anna (six paise).

The Maidan is now a popular playground. Cricket is the popular game although the monsoon season is primarily for football and volley ball. The ground has been split into 5 smaller grounds. The largest one is the playground, with one playground for children, one garden for promenades which is frequented by senior citizens and one ground is used by the Fellowship School. The last park area houses the Smarak or martyr monument which is a white marble tower that cradles a pink lotus atop it.

A central road cuts through the maidan grounds and connects the August Kranti Road with Hughes Road. The ground connects Tejpal Road and Laburnum Road, Alexandra Road and August Kranti Road

On August 9, 1925, a handful of youth challenged the British might by looting the money meant for government treasury being carried on 8 Down Saharanpur-Lucknow train at Kakori. Seventeen years later,

on August 9, 1942, Mahatma Gandhi launched the Quit India movement which caused an irreparable dent to the foundation of the colonial rule.  August Kranti, as it was popularly known, the Quit India movement was unique in the sense that it was led by the "aam adami" as all leaders were arrested in advance by the Raj to scuttle the movement. 

 This year, on August 9, Anna Hazare launched his anti-corruption movement The difference is that in 1942, the Congress  party was leading   the  movement but today the party is in power and has gone all out to scuttle the  people’s movement.

It is a possibility that Anna may not succeed this time as he did in April this year when the government bowed to his demands. But it doesn’t bother me because Anna has already succeeded in generating hope in the hearts of the "aam admi" that corruption can be tackled. It was reflected in the huge countrywide support Anna got following his arrest on August 16. Freedom did not come in 1925 or in 1942 but the events eventually led to the downfall of the British Raj. The ”hope” generated  by Anna will certainly make an impact, if not today, then tomorrow or day after. Eventually, the "aam aadmi" will make the government, be it at the Centre or in the states, irrespective of the party in power, to pay for their misdeeds. The Congress government can stop Anna from sitting on fast unto death in Delhi but will it be able to stop crores of Anna supporters who are in every nook and corner of India.

The Lokpal is no longer a legislation issue to be decided by Parliament but has become a symbol of fight against corruption. People are seeing it as a weapon to counter the might of babudom. Corruption is the root cause of all backwardness and poverty in the country. All issues can be resolved once corruption is taken care of. Therefore, people should not get carried away by caste and communally sensitive issues the Congress might raise to divert public attention. The fight against corruption will be a long battle and may not end with Anna’s fast. It would be the beginning of the test for the people. Those fighting against corruption will have to keep their faith intact, as Martin Luther King, who led the US civil rights movement, said: "Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the entire staircase."

The question is, why is the Congress overconfident and arrogant today? Why it is belittling Team Anna's efforts and using derogatory language? The party was initially apprehensive about an adverse impact on the elections in five states when Anna went on hunger strike in April this year. It agreed to form a joint committee to draft a "strong" Lokpal Bill to check corruption.  But after the polls, the Congress is overconfident because it lost only in Tamil Nadu, that too because of the anti-incumbency factor against Karunanidhi.  As a result, majority people had to vote for Jayalalitha who during her rule in the past faced equally serious corruption charges as DMK is facing now. Similar situation prevails in rest of India. Today, there is no alternative before people as all the political parties are equally corrupt.

In the coming days, more attempts will be made to divert public attention from the issue of corruption – such as caste census, job and education quota for Muslims and several other politically divisive issues will be floated to divide people. Congress  has challenged Anna to fight elections. If being elected is important for bringing about a reform, in order to check "communalism", the Congress should ask Rahul Gandhi to leave his secure Amethi seat and contest elections from Gandhinagar  against LK Advani. India not only requires, governance free from corruption, but also corruption-free elections, often won by use of money, muscle and mafia. Not to forget communalism and casteism.Politicians use such methods when  they fail to deliver. Corruption-free governance would eventually lead to corruption-free polls.

Another point on which people would have to be catious. Team Anna recently met members of the parliamentary standing committee examining the government Lokpal Bill.  Asked for his reaction, Lalu Prasad Yadav said: “Team Anna has burnt copies of the Bill, it’s an insult to Parliament ... these people also say that army and police are with them, it's anti-national.” After listening to Lalu, I understood why Jayaprakash Narayan’s  movement against the corrupt regime of Indira Gandhi failed to make a lasting impact. Among other things, JP had given a call to army and police not to obey the orders of "illegal" Indira government. Lalu was in JP movement and used it to launch his political career. JP failed because of leaders like Lalu.. Let's pray that there are no Lalu-like elements in Anna's team.

Why do we need a strong Lokpal?  Anna Hazare wrote to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for help to get permission for a place in Delhi where he could stage his fast in his fight against corruption. Anna was forced to write to the PM after his team was made to run from pillar to post by police and various government departments. But the PM asked  Anna  to go back to the police. Clearly, the intention of the government was to force Anna bow to its wishes and not hold a fast. Same tactics are used by every government department to force people  run from pillar to post and finally accept the wish of babus, ie, pay bribe to  get their legal and genuine work done. People need an institution where they can go for redressal of their problem when they are not heard from top (PM) to bottom (peon).

What is the meaning of inquilab (revolution)? Union human resource  development minister Kapil Sibal, under whom entire education system of India comes, is a learned man. However, he does not seem to understand that education can bring knowledge but not wisdom. That's why he took exception to the word inquilab used by a few Anna supporters. He said Team Anna is instigating people to revolt. Sibal would have not made such mistake, if he had understood the meaning of  Inquilab as explained by Shahid-E-Azam Bhaghat Singh -- "Bomb and pistol do not make a revolution. The sword of revolution (inquilab) is sharpened on the  whetting-stone of ideas". India needs an ideological revolution against corruption. Mr Sibal, please also read the concept of Total Revolution propounded by Jayaprakash Narayan.

Who is a Gandhian? Ambika Soni said Anna's language in the letter to the PM was not Gandhian. She perhaps doesn't know the meaning of Satyagrah as defined by Gandhi himself. Satyagrah means assertion of truth with the soul force and prick the conscience of the adversary. Anna did not he cross the boundaries of Satyagrah  when he wrote to the PM. She also said that the letter has signature of Anna but has been written by  others.  Congress leaders including the PM are run by remote control from 10 Janpath, hence they see others with the same lens. Soni said that Team Anna should obey rules and take permission from police for protest. In Lucknow, people have been allotted a place for agitation but Congress party always holds its protests on main road, blocking traffic and burning vehicles.

What is corruption? Manish Tiwari, in highly derogatory language,  levelled corruption charges against Anna. He gave reference of inquiry conducted by Justice PB Sawant. Tiwari should also express his view on the Supreme Court order whch struck down appointment of Chief Vigilance Commissioner by the PM. He should also explain his government's reluctant to act against black money despite strict stand of the Supreme Court. Anna got clean chit from the allegations levelled against him long back. Tiwari also said that Anna has not replied to a query filed  under the Right to Information by a person regarding his service in army. He should also reveal the identity  of the  person who filed the query in May this year after Anna's first round fast in April. And why question 45 years after Anna left army?

What is unconstitutional? Besides raising questions over funding of  Team Anna's campaign, Digvijay Singh said that laws are made in Sansad (parliament) and not on Sadak (street). The Congress allegedly spent over Rs 500 crore in 2009 Maharashtra assembly elections for the "paid newsl", exposed by senior journalist P Sainath. Will he also explain why of 430 candidates fielded by the Congress in 2009 Lok Sabha elections, 261 were crorepatis. The average worth of a Congress MP was Rs 3.38 crore in 2004, which increased to Rs 6.86 crore in 2009. Mr Singh, how come assets of MPs doubled between 2004 and 2009 despite economic recession. There are 41 Congress MPs with  criminal charges in the Lok Sabha. In such a situation, people will have to agitate in Sadak to make Sansad hear their demand.

What is undemocratic? Congress leaders said that BJP was behind Anna's Lokpal campaign. But ouster of BS Yeddyurappa after being indicted by the then Karnataka Lokayukta Justice Santosh Hegde (a member of Team Anna) in mining scam proves that Team Anna is not being managed by BJP. Congress also said that burning of copies of the government's Lokpal bill  by Team Anna in protest was an insult to the democracy, because it is the property of parliament. In February this year, the UP Vidhan Sabha passed  UP Local Self Government (amendment) Bill 2011. It  provided that local bodies election will not be contested on party lines and instead of direct elections, the mayor will be elected by the members of the local bodies. The Congress leaders protested by burning the copies of the duly passed law.

What is morally correct? Salman Khurshid said “We will be fasting in Ramazan. Anna is welcome to fast along with us”. Khurshid must be aware that the fasting in the holy month of Ramzan is about cleansing of soul and clearing of conscience. It’s about controlling greed, which is the source of all evil. We all need to follow these principles. When the judiciary ordered to combat corruption (as in the case of black money, CWG scam and 2G scam), the PM described it as overreach of the judiciary. And, when Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India exposed scams, Manmonhan Singh said that CAG had crossed its mandate. When media raises the issue of corruption, he says that media should not conduct a trial. In his eyes, every institution which exposes corruption is wrong.

Is Anna doing wrong?  Mahatma Gandhi said “I hold the opinion firmly that the civil disobedience is the purest type of constitutional agitation. Of course, it becomes degrading and despicable, if its civil, i.e., non-violent character is a mere camouflage. If the honesty of non-violence be admitted, there is no warrant for condemnation even of the fiercest disobedience, because of  likelihood of it leading to violence. No big or swift movement can be carried on without bold risks, and life will not be worth living if it is not attended with large risks. (Young India, 15-12-1921) ... Civil  disobedience is the inherent right of every citizen. He dare not give it up without ceasing to be a man ... Civil disobedience is never followed by anarchy. However, criminal disobedience can lead to it ... (Young India, 5-1-1922.)”

In my previous posts, I have explained that Team Anna's version of Lokpal can be established within constitutional framework. The Lokpal will only be a tool to fight against corruption. Ultimately, the privileged lot have to change and put an end to corruption. But I would also like to tell Congress leaders, who have accused Team Anna of insulting Parliament, Indian tricolour and the Constitution, that  people can overlook  scams like 2G and CWG but  will never forgive or forget the insult of Kargil martyrs. Congress leaders connived with top army officials to usurp the flats meant for families of Kargil martyrs is Adarsh society. It was an insult to the entire nation, no matter the amount of money involved in the scam was much less than other scams.

source :TOI

3D Video (no glasses needed!)

London: A new technology will make it possible for you to enjoy three-dimensional movie experience at home without using the bothersome 3D glasses. The technology that adapts conventional 3D films to the new displays in real time will be unveiled in Berlin at this year's IFA trade show next month.

Researchers at Fraunhofer Institute, Heinrich-Hertz Institute, HHI in Berlin recently developed a technology that converts a Blu-ray's existing 3D content in a manner that enables them to be shown on autostereoscopic displays. Though prototypes of these TV screens already exist, consumers will not have to wait much longer for the market introduction of these displays.

Nevertheless, the content might be a bit problematic: The 3D movies currently available on Blu-ray are based on two different perspectives — two images, one for each eye. However, autostereoscopic displays need five to ten views of the same scene. In the future, the number will probably be even more. This is because these displays have to present a three-dimensional image in such a manner that it can be seen from different angles.

source :TOI

Friday, August 17, 2012

"DASTANGOI" Unique art form of Storytelling would be Revived at Patna,Bihar.

The word Dastangoi refers to the art of storytelling, it is a compound of two Persian words Dastan and goi which means to tell a Dastan. Dastans were epics, often oral in nature, which were recited or read aloud and in essence were like medieval romances everywhere. 

Telling tales of adventure, magic and warfare, Dastans mapped new worlds and horizons, encountered the unseen and protected the hero through many travails and lovers as he moved on his quest. The hero’s adventures could sometimes parallel the mystic quest, at other times the story narrated a purely profane tale. In the process of telling the story the narrators freely borrowed tropes and themes from other stories, thus it was that Rumi’s Masnavi and Arabian Nights both came to contain many stories from the Panchtantra tradition. 

While Dastans had many principals and many stories, the story of Hamza began to stand out early on. Beginning with an unknown Arabic version the Persian versions of the story narrated the life and adventures of Amir Hamza, supposedly an uncle of the Prophet Mohammed. Marked out by fairies, djinns and prophecies, Hamza travels to different lands in his infancy and even as a young child shows great physical prowess and daring. His fame spreads far and wide and he is called by the chief minister of the King of Persia to aid the latter in his troubles, encountering many adventures, beings, species and realms Hamza remains triumphant and unvanquished, right to the end.

 This unique art form of storytelling would be revived here at Patna on August 26 by a group of art lovers and professionals. A city based cultural outfit 'Navras School of Performing Art' and department of art, culture and youth programme, government of Bihar, would be jointly organising this first ever unique event in the city

'Dastangoi' is now being revived and popularized by Mahmood Farooqui and Danish Hussain would be star attraction of the concert in the city. Farooqui is a Rhodes scholar, historian, author of 'Besieged voices from Delhi 1857' and director of 'Peepli Live'.

"Reviving a vanished tradition by actually performing the dastans is a challenge, as no living person has seen a dastango in action and records of performances are scarce. " said its main organiser Dr Ajit Pradhan.

Modernity and influence of the western way of life and language took its toll on "Dastangoi" popularity till it slowly faded out of the popular perception mainly due to lack of patronage and cultural politics of that time. Unlike folk forms or plain storytelling, Dastangoi is a formal style bound by his own conventions, characters and huge field of play, says Dr Pradhan who is a noted cardiac surgeon in the city.

"Its an art of composition and performance, wovering extemporaneously as one is narrating it and Dastangos perform without leaving their seats - trading costumes, music and stagecraft for sheer poetic jugglery. It's a battle of wits; a storytelling qawwal".

In the process of telling the story the narrators freely borrows tropes and themes from other stories, thus Rumi's 'Masnavi' and Arabian Nights may contain stories from Panchatantra tradition. "The 'Dastans' have every element of a modern Masala film. They speak of everything from whoring to trickery and betrayal. The usual stage with its music, cast of characters, fancy lights and costume is dispensed with and herein 'Dastangoi' relies entirely on wit, storytelling skill, energy and charisma of the story teller and above all how effectively he is able to rally the imaginative and visual faculty of the audience ultimately", Pradhan said.

Another attraction of the concert would be Rajasthani folk tale. 'Dastan - e - Chouboli' is a Rajasthani folk tale presented in the Dastangoi style. It's a tale of a beautiful princess who has vowed to marry only a man who can make her speak four times in a single night, the 'dastan' featuring imprisoned princess, proud Rajput Thakur's who shoot arrows through their wives nose rings, and cleaver women who outwit their menfolk, incorporates many stories within stories. - that will take you into realm of fantasy and leave you intoxicated.

After " IFTAR" a sip of Sheer chai or pink tea bring a lingering Smile on Your Face.       

Take a sip of this Sheer chai or pink tea and you are sure to experience the great delicacy of taste which one can aspire to as it enlivens your senses with its velvety aroma and mild sweetness. The amazing Sheer Chai of Sabzibagh, Patna, is a real delicacy and a great stimulant for those who throng Shahid's tea stall after the iftar during the month of Ramzan. It is sure to bring a lingering smile on your face.
It takes five to six hours to prepare this pink-colour exotic tea through a special process. "After the iftar, hundreds throng my tea stall to sip Sheer chai sold for Rs 8 a cup. Sitting in groups, chatting at ease and holding steaming khos (cups), people enjoy the Sheer chai after their daylong fast or roza is over. With Eid drawing closer, the crowd swells for this pink tea," says Mohd Shahid.
"I start serving tea to customers after 6.30pm and my shop remains open till 3am. We have been selling Sheer chai for the last 30 years during the holy month of Ramzan and it is the oldest shop in the locality," added Shahid.
The tea is basically prepared by Shahid's father, Mohd Sadruddin, with special tea leaves brought from Kashmir. The leaves are mixed with milk and wide variety of dry fruits like pista (pistachio), kagzi badam (almonds), cashewnuts, raisins, anjeer, poppy seeds, green cardamom, black cardamoms, cinnamon sticks, dry dates, akhrot (walnut), bay leaves, pinch of baking soda etc.
The preparation begins soon after the shop opens at 10. A rich paste of dry fruits and 'garam masala' is prepared by pounding and grinding the spices. The paste is then mixed with milk and tea leaves for hours.
"Every Ramzan I look forward to sip this Sheer chai with my friends. I used to visit this stall with my abbu when I was barely five-year-old. Now when I have grown up and started my own venture, I still make it a point to come here every evening," said Mohd Rashid, a resident of Ramna Road.
"This Sheer chai is so refreshing that I often come from Hajipur and stay at my sister's house here only to satiate my taste bud. There are few more places where Sheer chai is sold but Shahid's tea has a unique taste. I also carry a flask with me and fill it with tea before going back home," said Anees Anjum.
For Aftab, the chai tastes very different from normal tea and even those who don't like tea, drink cups and cups of it. The colour and odour is also fascinating. "Every year, I come all the way from Siwan and stay at Patna at least for a week only to tickle my taste bud with this tea," added Aftab.
"Politicians and many other high-ups of the town also come here," said Sadruddin. "It's a connoisseur's tea and even a minor slip in procedure will raise the eyebrows of those who sip it on a regular basis," says Dr A Zaman.

source :TOI

Eating walnuts may help increase sperm count in men and improve its quality, a new study has found

Scientists at the University of California asked a group of young men in their 20s and 30s to eat 75g of walnuts every day for three months,can make a man’s sperm stronger, faster and prettier, researchers said --
and it’s possible the nuts could provide a natural solution for some men with fertility problems. 

Tests on healthy, young men -- none of whom were infertile -- showed walnuts perked up their sperm considerably. Dr. Wendie Robbins and UCLA researchers want to test men with fertility problems next.

The nuts provide healthful omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins such as folic acid and minerals important for sperm development such as zinc and selenium, Robbins says.

“I don’t think we have paid enough attention to young men and their diet when they are ready to start a family,” Robbins said. “It’s all about the woman. There is not a lot that we know to tell men. This was really fun.”

For the study published on 14th Aug 2012, the researchers recruited 117 healthy men, ages 21 to 35, who were eating normal Western diets. Half the men, 58 in all, got a batch of snack-sized packs of walnuts to eat every day on top of their normal diets, while the others just continued normally. The researchers tested their sperm at the beginning and after three months.

“The men who were eating the walnuts had more sperm that had normal shapes compared to men just on the regular diets,” Robbins says.

The dose of walnuts was important. Robbins settled on 75 grams a day -- about 2.6 ounces -- an amount that was shown to raise blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids, to lower cholesterol and, most importantly, not put weight on the men. “These were healthy, fit young men and they were concerned about their figures,” Robbins said.

This amount was equal to two and a half one-ounce snack packs of walnuts a day.

 We also gave them recipes,” Robbins said. The men were told they could sprinkle the nuts on cereal, salad or yogurt.
About 20 percent of the men had low sperm counts, although they hadn’t been diagnosed as infertile. The sperm of these men, it turned out, improved the most after eating walnuts every day for three months, Robbins reported in the journal Biology of Reproduction.

At least one study, done in Iran, showed that men who took fish oil supplements after visiting an infertility clinic had improved sperm quality. But Robbins didn’t want to use fish oil, even though it’s rich in omega-3s. And some people don't want to take a supplement. 

"We wanted to look at a plant source of omega-3," she said. "Walnuts are a renewable resource, a little more than, say, fish. We are fishing out a lot of places."

Now Robbins wants to test the idea in men with fertility problems. She noted some studies that had raised fears that the sperm count of men living in Western societies was going down, although researchers do not agree on whether this is actually happening. “Some people suggested this could be due to the Western diet,” she said. “Diet is really powerful and much underrated.”

Why each country in the world should celebrate Eid Al Fitr 2012 / Aid El Fitr 2012 on 19th August 2012 - Explanation

We recall to the visitor our methodology for calculating the beginning of the month for determining the calendar for Makkah.

After the new moon is born, we first look for the earliest crescent in the evening sky of Makkah. If it is visible, then the new month starts the next day. If not, we look further and further west until the time of fajr in Makkah. If the crescent is visible anywhere to the west before fajr in Makkah, then the new month starts on the next day, exactly as if the crescent had been visible in the evening in Makkah itself. We call this concept that of extended visibility.

The methodology for calculating the beginning of the month in Makkah can be applied to any place on earth. The month will begin next day if: (1) the new moon is born (2) if the young crescent is visible in the evening sky of the place considered, or (3) if it is visible at somewhere to the west of the place before fajr there. Otherwise the month will last a day longer.

We follow this methodology in order to determine the beginning of important Islamic dates for the various countries of the world. For several strategically chosen countries on different continents we choose a town towards the eastern limit of the country. We choose the eastern limit because fajr in the east is earlier than fajr in the west. If visibility is acquired for the east, then it will also be acquired for the west where fajr is even later. We avoid situations where there is visibility for the west but not for the east, because in such cases, the country will be divided into two for celebrating the feast day. For most countries, such a situation will not be acceptable.

The visibility curves

We now invite the reader to consult the visibility curves for the beginning of Shawwal 1433 (Eid Al Fitr 2012 / Aid el Fitr 2012). Two visibility curves are pertinent: that of 17th August 2012 and that of 18th August 2012 . The new moon is born on 17th August 2012 at 15 hours 56 minutes Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). The blue and green zones represent the areas of the world where the crescent can be seen with the naked eye, blue under good atmospheric conditions, green representing easy visibility.

The visibility curve for 17th August 2012 shows the whole earth in a non visibility zone. There will neither be direct sighting in any country nor extended visibility to the west of the country, before fajr in the country. Thus no country can celebrate Eid Al Fitr 2012 [Aid el Fitr 2012] on 18th August. 18th August will be a day of fasting.

Let us now judge the situation next day, on the evening of 18th August 2012. The green zone covers all of South America and Central America and extends towards the south of Africa and of Madagascar. The blue zone covers the southern part of the United States, the central part of Africa and extends up to western Australia. Thus, because of either direct visibility, or extended visibility to the west of the country before fajr , we have to examine whether different countries can celebrate Eid Al Fitr 1433 [Aid el Fitr 1433] on 19th August 2012.

Two considerations apply and we refer the reader to our introduction and to our country list for the beginning of Ramadan 1433 . All of south, central and northern America plus some countries in western Africa had started Ramadan on 20th July 2012 because of extended visibility in French Polynesia. These countries will have finished 30 days of fasting on 18th August 2012 and should celebrate the 1st of Shawwal, Eid Al Fitr 1433 [Aid el Fitr 2012], on 19th August 2012. For the other countries we have to see whether there is either direct visibility on the evening of 18th August or extended visibility to the west before fajr on 19th August morning. For extended visibility the choice of the reference points to which we will refer fajr in the country becomes important.

The choice of the reference points

For extended visibility, a look at the visibility map of the young crescent on 18th August 2012 leads us to the choice of two cities for referring the time of fajr in the country for which we want to determine the end of Ramadan 2012.

(1) For countries towards the east : Russia, China, Indonesia, the Indian sub-continent…, the reference point can be in the south of Madagascar, in Fort Dauphin. For all countries to the east of Fort Dauphin, fajr in the country (on 19th August morning) can be referred to the visibility time in this town on 18th August evening.
(2) For countries to the west of Fort Dauphin : Saudi Arabia, western Europe, northern Africa…, the reference point can be in Recife in Brazil.

It might be pointed out that both Fort Dauphin and Recife are in the green visibility zone and – weather conditions permitting – the photography of the young crescent should be easy. The success of our Makkah calendar is based on the large collection of photographs we have been able to obtain – thanks to reputed groups of local astronomers – as per the predictions of the visibility curves. We refer the reader to consult our photo gallery.
The best time of visibility for the new crescent : the situation in Fort Dauphin and Recife

In his paper “A Method for predicting the first sighting of the New Crescent Moon”, the British astronomer B. D. Yallop gives the following formula for determining the best time for sighting the new moon after sunset in a given place (HM Nautical Almanac Office NAO, NAO Technical Note, Updated April 1998) :

Best time of visibility of the new moon = Sunset time + 4/9 * (Difference between sunset and moonset time)
Applying the above formula we obtain:
     (1) For Fort Dauphin on 18th August evening in UTC : Sunset 14H35M Moonset 15H28M (for reference : local time is UTC + 3 hours), Difference        between the two 53 minutes. Best time of visibility of the new moon : 14H59M.
     (2) For Recife : Sunset 20H19M Moonset 21H12M (for reference : local time is UTC – 3 hours), Difference between the two 53 minutes. Best        time of visibility of the new moon : 20H43M.

source : Makkah  Calendar

Eid al-Fitr, Id-ul-Fitr, or Id al-Fitr , often abbreviated to Eid, is a Muslim holiday

Muslims celebrate Eid ul fitar as they do the fasting for the whole month of ramdhan and on the next day they also give fitra. It is the firm believe of every Muslim that if they do fasting in the holy month of ramdhan and offer prayer properly than Allah forgive all their sin before going for the prayer of eid ul fitar .

Eid Al-Fitr 2012: A Celebration At The End Of Ramadan

 One of the most joyous days in the Islamic calendar, Eid al-Fitr, also known as Eid ul-Fitr or Eid, is a celebration that marks the end of Ramadan (a holy month of fasting observed by Muslims). This year Eid al-Fitr will most likely be observed on Aug. 19, 2012 in the United States. It is celebrated on the first day of Shawwal, the 10th month of the Islamic lunar calendar. Traditionally, the observance begins with the sighting of the new moon. While many will wait to see the moon or an announcement from Mecca, the Fiqh Council of North America has determined that Eid al-Fitr 2012 will fall on Aug. 19, 2012, based on astronomical calculations.

According to a hadith attributed to Anas ibn Malik, a companion of the Prophet Muhammad, the two festivals of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha were instituted by the Prophet after his journey from Mecca to Medinah.
Eid-ul-Fitr, "Eid-ul-fitr", Eid al-Fitr, Id-ul-Fitr, or Id al-Fitr , often abbreviated to Eid, is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the sIlamic holy month of fasting (sawm). Eid is an Arabic word meaning "festivity", while Fiṭr means "breaking the fast". The holiday celebrates the conclusion of the 29 or 30 days of dawn-to-sunset fasting during the entire month of Ramadan. The first day of Eid, therefore, falls on the first day of the month Shawwal. This is a day where Muslims around the world try to show a common goal of unity.

Eid al-Fitr has a particular salat (Islamic prayer) consisting of two raka'ah (units) and generally offered in an open field or large hall. It may only be performed in congregation (Jama’at) and has an additional extra six Takbirs (raising of the hands to the ears while saying "Allahu Akbar" [God is Great]), three of them in the beginning of the first raka'ah and three of them just before ruku' in the second raka'ah in the Hanafi school.This Eid al-Fitr salat is, depending on which juristic opinion is followed, Fard (obligatory), Mustahabb (strongly recommended, just short of obligatory) or mandoob (preferable).

Muslims believe that they are commanded by God, as mentioned in the Qur'an, to continue their fast until the last day of Ramadan and pay the Zakat and fitra before doing the Eid prayer.

  Eid ul-Fitr goes by various names around the world, including:

  Idul Fitri, Hari Lebaran--------------------------  Indonesia
  Hari Raya Puasa, Hari Lebaran, Aidilfitri--------- Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei
  Wakas ng Ramadan, Hari Raya Puasa------------Philippines
  Nonbu Perunaal ---------------------------------Tamil
  Riyoyo, Riyayan, Rozar Eid----------------------Bengali
  Rojar Eid ----------------------------------------Bangladesh
  Ramazan Bayramı, Şeker Bayramı-------------- Turkish
  Eid Nimaz --------------------------------------Sindhi
  Korite------------------------------------------- Senegal
  Eid-e Sa'eed-e Fitr------------------------------ Persian
  Choti Eid ; Meethi Eid ---------------------------Urdu
 Cheriya Perunnal    ------------------------------Malayalam
 Ramazanski bajram ------------------------------Bosnian
 Рамазански бајрам -----------------------------Serbian
 Рамазан Байрам --------------------------------Bulgarian
 Ciid Yare -----------------------------------------Somalia
 Id al-Fater ----------------------------------------Ethiopia

Before the advent of Islam in Arabia, there is mention of Eid festivals as well as some others among the Arabs. The Israelites had festivals as well, but as is evident from the Old Testament and other scriptures, these festivals related more to commemorating certain days of their history.
Eid al-Fitr was originated by the Islamic prophet Muhammad. It is observed on the first of the month of Shawwal at the end of the holy month of Ramadan, during which Muslims undergo a period of fasting.
According to certain traditions, these festivals were initiated in Madinah after the flight of Muhammad from Mecca. Anas reports:
When the Prophet arrived in Madinah, he found people celebrating two specific days in which they used to entertain themselves with recreation and merriment. He asked them about the nature of these festivities at which they replied that these days were occasions of fun and recreation. At this, the Prophet remarked that the Almighty has fixed two days [of festivity] instead of these for you which are better than these: Eid al-fitr and Eid al-adha
For Muslims, both the festivals of Eid al-fitr and Eid al-adha are occasions of showing gratitude to God and remembering him, and are an occasion of entertainment. ‘A’ishah narrates that when on an Eid day her father Abu Bakr stopped young girls from singing, Muhammad said: Abu Bakr! [Let them sing]; every nation has an ‘id and [this day] is our Eid.

Eid al-Fitr is celebrated for one, two or three days. Common greetings during this holiday are the Arabic greeting ‘Eid Mubārak ("Blessed Eid") or ‘Eid Sa‘īd ("Happy Eid"). In addition, many countries have their own greetings in the local language – in Turkey, for example, a typical saying might be Bayramınız kutlu olsun or "May your Bayram – Eid – be blessed." Muslims are also encouraged on this day to forgive and forget any differences with others or animosities that may have occurred during the year.

Typically, Muslims wake up early in the morning—always before sunrise— offer Salatul Fajr (the pre-sunrise prayer), and in keeping with the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad clean their teeth with a toothbrush, take a shower before prayers, put on new clothes (or the best available), and apply perfume.

It is forbidden to fast on the Day of Eid. It is customary to acknowledge this with a small sweet breakfast, preferably of the date fruit, before attending a special Eid prayer (known as salaat).

As an obligatory act of charity, money is paid to the poor and the needy (Arabic: Sadaqat-ul-fitr) before performing the ‘Eid prayer:
  • To show happiness
  • To give as much charity as is possible
  • To pray Fajr in the local Masjid
  • To go early for Eid salaat
  • To read the takbirat in an open field.
  • Go to the Eid prayer on foot
  • Muslims recite the following incantation in a low voice while going to the Eid prayer: Allāhu Akbar, Allāhu Akbar, Allāhu Akbar. Lā ilāha illà l-Lāh wal-Lāhu akbar, Allahu akbar walil-Lāhi l-ḥamd. Recitation ceases when they get to the place of Eid or once the Imam commences activities.
  • Muslims are recommended to use separate routes to and from the prayer grounds.
The Eid prayer is performed in congregation in open areas like fields, community centers, etc. or at mosques. No call to prayer is given for this Eid prayer, and it consists of only two units of prayer with an additional six incantations. The Eid prayer is followed by the sermon and then a supplication asking for God's forgiveness, mercy, peace and blessings for all living beings across the world. The sermon also instructs Muslims as to the performance of rituals of Eid, such as the zakat.

Listening to the sermon at Eid is a requirement i.e. while the sermon is being delivered; it is prohibited to talk, walk about or offer prayer. After the prayers, Muslims visit their relatives, friends and acquaintances or hold large communal celebrations in homes, community centers or rented halls.

Eid gifts, known as Eidi, are frequently given at eid to children and immediate relatives.

Eid ul-Fitr marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. This has to do with the communal aspects of the fast, which expresses many of the basic values of the Muslim community; e.g., empathy for the poor, charity, worship, steadfastness, patience etc. Fasting is also believed by some scholars to extol fundamental distinctions, lauding the power of the spiritual realm, while acknowledging the subordination of the physical realm. It also teaches a Muslim to stay away from worldly desires and to focus entirely on the Lord and thank him for his blessings. It is a rejuvenation of the religion and it creates a stronger bond between the Muslim and his Lord. After the end of Ramadan, is a big celebration of Eid

 Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal, 

THE night before Eid is called Chaand Raat, which means, "Night of the Moon." Muslims in these countries will often visit bazaars and shopping malls with their families for Eid shopping. Women, especially younger girls, will often apply the traditional Mehndi, or henna, on their hands and feet and wear colourful bangles.
The traditional Eid greeting is Eid Mubarak, and it is frequently followed by a formal embrace. Gifts are frequently given — new clothes are part of the tradition — and it is also common for children to be given small sums of money (Eidi) by their elders. It is common for children to offer salam to parents and adult relatives.
After the Eid prayers, it is common for some families to visit graveyards and pray for the salvation of departed family members. It is also common to visit neighbours, family members, specially senior relatives called Murubbis and to get together to share sweets, snacks and special meals including some special dishes that are prepared specifically on Eid. Special celebratory dishes in Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh include sivayyan, a dish of fine, toasted sweet vermicelli noodles with milk and dried fruit. In Bangladesh, the dish is called shemai ( Bengali: সেমাই ).

On Eid day before prayers, people distribute a charity locally known as fitra. Many people also avail themselves of this opportunity to distribute zakat, an Islamic obligatory alms tax of 2.5% of one's annual savings, to the needy. Zakat is often distributed in the form of food and new clothes.

In Bangladesh, Sholakia (Bengali: শোলাকিয়া) is a locality famous for its Eidgah where the largest congregation of Eid prayer of the country is held on the occasion of Eid ul-Fitr, the day of celebration after the fasting month of Ramadan. Around 300,000 people from all over Bangladesh join the prayer on every Eid.
In India, some popular places for Muslims to congregate to celebrate Eid at this time include the 
 Jama Masjid in New Delhi,
 Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad, 
 Aishbagh Idgah in Lucknow; 
 Kolkata there is a prayer held on Red Road.

 Muslims turn out in the thousands, as there is a lot of excitement surrounding the celebration of this festival. It is common for non-Muslims to visit their Muslim friends and neighbours on Eid to convey their good wishes. Eid is celebrated grandly in the city of Hyderabad which has rich Islamic Heritage. Hyderabadi haleem a type of meat stew is a popular dish during the month of Ramadan, it takes centre stage and becomes the main course at Iftar(the breaking of the fast).

source :
  • Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World. Edited by Martin, Richard C. Macmillan Reference, 2004. vol. 1
  • The Umm al-Qurra calendar of Saudi Arabia (with computed and announced dates for Eid ul-Fitr)
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