Saturday, August 24, 2013

First Private Medical College "LBIIMS " open very shortly 300-bed centrally airconditioned hospital and nursing college with state of the art operation theatres,

Private medical colleges in UP are behind soaring education scam | Read

  CM Nitish Kumar laid the foundation stone of Lord Buddha International Institute of Medical Sciences (LBIIMS) at Beldari Chak in rural Patna on Saturday and said it would serve as a convergence centre for different aspects of medical science. The institute would be linked with four major places at Nalanda, Rajgir, Bodh Gaya and Vaishali where primary health centres (PHCs) would be opened and, later on, linked with this medical college. The LBIIMS will have 300 beds for poor patients and is first private medical college in the state capital. 
This medical college is being opened by Majestic Overseas Pvt Ltd, a subsidiary of Medical World for U in the UK. The company is headed by an NRI, Dr Ashok Kumar. Dr Alok Kumar is the director and CEO of the company as well as the project director of the medical college and hospital. Dr Ashok is the managing director of the UK based company. 

The CM said Bihar needs at least 20 medical colleges to meet the national average. Four new medical colleges are being opened by the state government of which the MCI has given permission for Pawapuri, Bettiah and IGIMS in Patna where enrolment has already started. In Madhepura, the building of medical college is under construction and hopefully enrolment of students will start next year. The Union labour ministry is opening a medical college at Bihta also, he said. 

He expressed confidence that the LBIIMS project would be completed on time and assured all help from the state government. Praising the efforts and intention of its founders, the CM said since he was laying the foundation stone, his prestige was now involved in this project and asked them not to compromise on the quality of education, treatment and services. Prominent physician Dr S N Arya lauded the CM. 

Dr Ashok said he was inspired by the views of Nitish to open this medical college hospital and said the LBIIMS aims to train doctors of different faculties. He said the total project cost is Rs 750 crore which will consist of a centrally airconditioned 900-bed hospital, a dental college, a nursing college, a pharmacy college and a paramedical college. He hoped the project would be completed in five years. 

The first phase will comprise medical college with 300-bed centrally airconditioned hospital and nursing college with state of the art operation theatres, ICU, pathological and radiological facilities and accommodation for students and doctors. In the second phase, another 600-bed super-specialized hospital, dental college, pharmacy and paramedical college along with sports complex, food court, multistoried parking and old people home will be set up. Dr Kumar said by March 2015, the first phase would be completed for taking admission in July 2015.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           source : TOI                                                                                                                                                                  

source :TNN

Sunday, August 18, 2013

यह जीवन क्या है ? निर्झर है मस्ती ही इसका पानी है , सुख दुःख के दोनों तीरों से चल रहा राह मनमानी है ,.......................... आज हिन्दी और मैथिली भाषा के प्रमुख हस्ताक्षर (Arsi Prasad Singh) आरसी प्रसाद सिंह की 101 वीं जन्मतिथि है। आज ही के दिन समस्तीपुर जिला, के रोसड़ा प्रखंड के ,एरौत गाँव में इनका जन्म १९ अगस्त १ ९ १ १ को हुआ था ,साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार से सम्मानित कवि, कथाकार और एकांकीकार आरसी बाबू ने कविता, कहानी, एकांकी, संस्मरण, समीक्षा के साथ-साथ बाल साहित्य भी खूब लिखा। इस पावन अवसर पर हम उनको श्रद्धा के फूल समर्पित करते हैं।

महाकवि आरसी प्रसाद सिंह

हिन्दी और मैथिली भाषा के प्रमुख हस्ताक्षर, साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार प्राप्त कवि, कथाकार और एकांकीकार महाकवि आरसी प्रसाद सिंह का जन्म 19 अगस्त 1911 को हुआ । और 15 नवम्बर 1996 तक हमारे बीच एक अडिग चट्टान की तरह रहे। कविता, कहानी, एकांकी, संस्मरण, समीक्षा के साथ-साथ उन्होंने बाल साहित्य भी खूब लिखा। उनके क़रीबी और ग्रामीण श्री जीवछ प्रसाद सिंह का कहना है- “आरसी बाबू की जितनी रचनाएँ प्रकाशित हुईं हैं, उससे कहीं ज़्यादा अप्रकाशित हैं।” पता नहीं वजह क्या है? खैर, बिहार के समस्तीपुर ज़िला में रोसड़ा रेलवे स्टेशन से आठ किलोमीटर की दूरी पर बागमती नदी के किनारे एक गाँव आबाद है एरौत (पूर्व नाम ऐरावत)। यह महाकवि आरसी प्रसाद सिंह की जन्मभूमि और कर्मभूमि है। इसीलिए इसे आरसी नगर एरौत कहा जाता है।  

आरसी ने कभी भी परवशता स्वीकार नहीं की। उम्र भर नियंत्रण के ख़िलाफ आक्रोश ज़ाहिर करते रहे। चालीस के दशक में जयपुर नरेश महाकवि आरसी को अपने यहाँ राजकवि के रूप में सम्मानित करना चाहते थे। इस उद्देश्य की पूर्ति हेतु उन्होंने काफी आग्रह, अनुनय-विनय किया परंतु आरसी बाबू ने चारणवृत्ति तथा राजाश्रय को ठुकरा दिया। ऐसी थी महाकवि आरसी की शख़्सियत। आचार्य रामचन्द्र शुक्ल, पाण्डेय बेचन शर्मा ‘उग्र’, राम कुमार वर्मा, डॉ. धीरेंद्र वर्मा, विष्णु प्रभाकर, शिव मंगल सिंह ‘सुमन’, बुद्धिनाथ मिश्र और अज्ञेय समेत कई रचनाकारों ने हिंदी और मैथिली साहित्य के इस विभूति को सम्मान दिया। कभी शब्दों से तो कभी सुमनों से।

आचार्य हजारी प्रसाद दिवेदी लिखते हैं- “सचमुच ही यह कवि मस्त है। सौंदर्य को देख लेने पर यह बिना कहे रह नहीं सकता। भाषा पर यह सवारी करता है। इस बात की उसे बिल्कुल परवाह नहीं कि उसके कहे हुए भावों को लोग अनुकरण कह सकते हैं, कल्पना प्रसूत समझ सकते हैं: उसे अपनी कहानी है। कहे बिना उसे चैन नहीं है। उपस्थापन में अबाध प्रवाह है। भाषा में सहज सरकाव। ‘जुही की कली’ को देखकर वह एक सुर में बोलता जायेगा- एक कलिका वन छबीली विश्व वन में फूल/सरस झोंके खा पवन के तू रही है झूल/पंखड़िया फूटी नहीं छूटे न तुतले बोल/मृग-चरण चापल्य, शैशव-सुलभ कौतुक लोल/और पायी वह न मादकमयी मुस्कान/सुन, सजनी, तू अधखिली नादान। ...और इसी प्रकार बहुत कुछ। समालोचक कवि की ब्यास शैली पर हैरान हैं। उसके भाव सागर के उद्वेलन से दंग।” कवि आरसी कई रूपों में हमारे सामने आते हैं। कुछ रचनाकारों के ख़्याल पेश हैं– 

आचार्य जानकीवल्लभ शास्त्री  लिखते हैं- “बिहार के चार तारों में वियोगी के साथ प्रभात और दिनकर के साथ आरसी को याद किया जाता है। किंतु आरसी का काव्य मर्म-मूल से प्रलम्ब डालियों और पल्लव-पत्र-पुष्पों तक जैसा प्राण-रस संचारित करता रहा है, वह अन्यत्र दुर्लभ है। किसी एक विषय, स्वर या कल्पना के कवि वह नहीं हैं। उनकी सम्वेदना जितनी विषयों से जुड़ी हुई है, उनकी अनुभूति जितनी वस्तुओं की छुअन से रोमांचित है, उनका स्वर जितने आरोहों, अवरोहों में अपना आलोक निखारता है, कम ही कवि उतने स्वरों से अपनी प्रतिभा के प्रसार के दावेदार हो सकते हैं।”  

पद्मभूषण श्री अमृतलाल नागर ने कभी कहा था- “उन्हें जब कभी देख लेता हूँ, दिल खुश हो जाता है। आरसी में मुझे प्राचीन साहित्यिक निष्ठा के सहज दर्शन मिलते हैं।”  

प्रसिद्ध आलोचक डॉ. नामवर सिंह ने महाकवि आरसी की एक कृति ‘नन्ददास’ के बारे में लिखा है- “रोमांटिक कवियों में कुछ कवि आगे चलकर अध्यात्मवाद की ओर मुड़ गये और आरसी भी उनमें से एक हैं। निराला ने ‘तुलसीदास’ की जीवन कथा के माध्यम से देशकाल के शर से विंधकर ‘जागे हुए अशेष छविधर’ छायावादी कवि की छवि देखलाकर परम्परा का विकास किया तो कवि आरसी ने ‘नन्ददास’ के माध्यम से परम्परा का पुनरालेखन किया है।” 

उनकी कहानियों का ज़िक्र करते हुए श्री हरीश जायसवाल ने लिखा- “आरसी बाबू की कहानियों में जहाँ प्रेम अपनी ऊँचाई पर दीख पड़ता है वहाँ बलिदान भी अपनी चरम सीमा पर स्थित मालूम होता है। सस्ते रोमांस की कमी उनकी कहानियों को और अधिक निखारने में बहुत हद तक कामयाब हुई है। प्रेम के नाम पर आधुनिक नीचता से कहानी अछूती मालूम होती है जो शुभ है।” 

डॉ. रामचरण महेंद्र ने कहा था- “श्री आरसी प्रसाद सिंह हिन्दी में कवि, कहानीकार, और एकांकीकार, के रूप में कार्य कर रहे हैं। हिंदी संसार ने कवि के रूप में उनकी कृतियों की महत्ता और मौलिकता का लोहा माना है। यह सत्य है कि कवि के रूप में श्री आरसी प्रसाद सिंह ने मर्मस्पर्शी काव्य की सृष्टि की है। किंतु अपनी एकांकियों में भी आप चिंतन-प्रधान गम्भीर साहित्य की सृष्टि कर सके हैं। इनमें समाज, धर्म, राजनीति, सामयिक घटनाओं, भोतिकवाद, समाजवाद तथा साम्यवाद का विवेचन हुआ है।”

ग्रामीण और नजदीकी श्री सीताराम सिंह ‘सरोज’  के अनुसार,  “महाकवि आरसी एक ही साथ उपमा और उपमेय दोनों हैं। चिर यौवना मुक्त वाणी के अमर प्रस्तोता ने चेतना को रूपायित करने का जो स्तुत्य कार्य किया है उसका विवेचन महान चिंतक, विशिष्ट साधक और युगाराध्य कवि जैसे शीर्षकों के अंतर्गत समीचीन ही माना जायेगा।”

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Students of Chandragupt Institute of Management Patna (CIMP) visited Thumma village in Sitamarhi district for development models for villages.  The students interacted with the villagers through interviews and group discussions to know their consumption pattern, hardships, needs etc.  Thumma has been adopted by CIMP with a 20-year perspective, and technologies such as use of WiMax and cloud computing have already been pioneered in the village on CIMP initiatives.

"If power supply reaches the village on a regular basis, the demand for electrical appliances is likely to go up by 100%," a student said, adding such untapped markets for electrical appliances were present in almost all the villages and small towns of the state.

According to the research findings of the students, the social value system also affected consumption pattern, and restricted the villagers from using certain products even if they wished to. Also, the claims made in advertisements did not influence their rigid choices. In fact, seasonal incomes make their consumption pattern uneven.

CIMP director V Mukund Das said such practical experiences were important for management students not only to understand the economics of the market but also to get sensitized towards the issues facing rural India. He claimed the facts and figures emerging from such studies could be beneficial for private companies and government agencies working in rural setting.

source :TNN

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Singh brothers, Nilay Singh and Ankur Singh, from Patna have created a social networking website all on their own without any formal degree from any "good institution".


It is true :-

है कौन विघ्न यैसा जग में ,जो टिक सके नर के मग में ,
ख़म ठोक ठेलता जब, पर्वत के जाते पांव उखर ,
मानव जब जोर लगता है, पथ्थर पानी बन जाता है

Who says that in order to achieve something big in life, one has to have a degree from a prestigious institution such as an IIT or IIM? At least the Singh brothers, Nilay Singh and Ankur Singh, from the city proved it wrong as they have created a social networking website all on their own without any formal degree from any "good institution".

 "Jump book is a unique social networking site which is threefold leap from other websites, as one can write and post blogs, sell, buy or list items online and also use it a forum for quiz,"  Having worked on the project for the past seven years, their website was completed on April 16 this year.

Having studied from a private CBSE-affiliated school of the city, which has ceased to exist now, the brothers, in their mid-20s now, had interest in Internet while they were in school. "When we were in class XII, Orkut became very popular among youngsters and then came Facebook, only to beat Orkut in the race," said Nilay and added, "So we thought why not create another website which could eventually beat Facebook."

Son of late Dr Mahesh Singh, who worked at Bharat Coking Coal Limited in Dhanbad, and Bimla Singh, who is a homemaker, the Singhs did not have enough money to join prestigious colleges. So, after somehow finishing school, they learned how to make websites from friends and computer training classes but only to realize that their dream to become the next Zuckerbergs will not turn into reality until they go to an engineering college and fetch a degree in computers.

"Getting coached and then going to some premier engineering college was beyond our reach, so we took admission in ordinary colleges in Punjab with the help of education loan, but we were disappointed from the syllabus they covered. So, I decided to leave my studies midway," said Nilay, who then started designing websites for different companies to earn a living.

However, Ankur continued with the course and finished his graduation this year. But he claims he knew more about websites than what he was taught in the college. "Only within four months, our website has got more than 22,000 users, but we are technically not equipped enough to handle too many users at a time, as the server often crashes," the brothers echoed.

As CM Nitish Kumar has been appealing to the youth to "become employers rather than employees", the Singh brothers hope the CM would grant them financial aid to hire more developers, so that they could create a better server. "We have been sending him letters but I am sure they are not reaching his desk," said Ankur.

"We require at least Rs 25 lakh to create proper infrastructure for our website, so that when the number of users grows manifold, the server could manage the load," said Nilay and added "if we do not get help from Bihar we will move to South as bigwigs there are ready to help us. But we thought why not ask our own home state before seeking help from others".

source :TNN

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

NASCENT WINGS (A poetic endeavor ) brings SURBHI in limelight ,she did her schooling from BR DAV Public School, Begusarai, in Bihar.

City girl Surabhi, 23, has created a wave in creative circles by writing her first collection of poetry, 'Nascent Wings-a Public Endeavour'. The 93-page book is already available on as an e-book. Some of the poems in the book are emotional, some motivational and some narrative. The book will soon be published by Partridge Publishing House launched by Penguin Books India.

"It is my first book. Poetry is something that comes naturally to me. I am not sure about the review the poems will get, but I am hopeful the readers will definitely feel an emotional connect with all of them," Surabhi, working with a Delhi-based multinational publishing house told TOI over phone. "This book offers its readers a platter of various flavours. From serious societal issues to the tender nature of love, from motivational verses to simple experiences, this book is a holistic entity of significant poetry," she said.

 Hailing from the state capital, she did her schooling from BR DAV Public School, Begusarai, in Bihar. "I don't want to confine my writing to a fixed genre. I am young and want to explore my creativity. I believe that creative minds are not stagnant minds. They love to experiment and explore. I started working on a novel when 'Nascent Wings' got accepted at Partridge. I didn't want to wait. I don't want to earn a lot of money, but yes, I want to be recognized as a writer. I will keep writing and strive towards perfection," Surabhi said.
Her grandpa S N Pandey is an educationist and father Sandip Pandey is a doctor. Her schoolteacher, Amber Banerjee always encouraged all his students to pursue their dreams.

 "Taking up mass communication at the graduation level was not a random choice. I have been actively participating in various writing and oratory competitions since my school days. I have won several awards for creative writing and oratory at school and college levels. I also practise writing as a hobby,"

 "My family's unconditional support led to the birth of this book. 'Nascent Wings' is just the beginning. I am working on the draft of my first fiction work and it has reached the final stage. I plan to pursue writing as a full-time profession," she said.

source: Pranava K Chaudhary, TNN

Friday, August 9, 2013

Four brave sons from Bihar loses in border fire,were consigned to flames with full state and Army honours .

LoC attack: Martyr's wife refuses compensation, demands action against Pak
     Even as the nation seethed over the killing of five Indian soldiers by Pakistani army in Jammu & Kashmir in the wee hours on Tuesday, the Bihar Regimental Centre (BRC) headquarters at Danapur on the outskirts of Patna remained almost clueless to the fact that four of the martyrs belonged to its 21st Bihar Regiment.

Sources in the defence ministry told in Delhi  Naik Prem Nath Singh of Chhapra in Saran district, Lance Naik Shambhu Saran Ray of Bhojpur district, sepoy Vijay Kumar Ray of Danapur and sepoy Raghunandan Prasad of Chhapra.

Wails of sepoy Vijay's wife Pushpa Devi rent the air in Danapur's Sultanpur-Bibiganj locality where his family of mother Anjoria Devi, wife and two children -- six-year-old Vivek and four-year-old Neha - lived in a tenanted property belonging to one Umesh Singh. Vijay's late father Neklal Ray was also an ex-Armyman. Two months ago, he had come home to see his ailing mother, said neighbours who had gathered to console the bereaved family.
Later in the evening, Vijay's family shifted to their native village Anantpur under the Bihta police station area in Patna district.

A BRC officer, saying they could not talk to the media without the permission of their central command in Lucknow. BRC sources, however, said they had no official information about the casualties and their contact details till Tuesday evening. However, they gathered information from other sources and asked for the details from the central command. The BRC officers expected the bodies to be flown to Patna on Wednesday after the official formalities.

Officers and jawans of the Bihar regiment have been deployed at key positions in J&K. At the time of the killings, the four jawans from Bihar were on routine duty of patrolling the LoC, the sources said.

Meanwhile, All India Ex-Servicemen League president Col (retd) V K Singh condemned the incident. 
PATNA/CHHAPRA/ARA: The mortal remains of the four jawans of the Bihar Regiment's 21st battalion, who were killed by the Pakistani army in the Poonch sector of Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday, were consigned to flames with full state and Army honours on Thursday.

Martyred sepoy Vijay Kumar Rai was cremated with full state and Army honours on the bank of the Ganga river at Biyapur near Maner on Thursday. Senior army officials, jawans and district administration officials, including Patna DM and senior SP, were present on the occasion.
Army personnel sounded the last post before consigning the body to flames. Gun salute was given by the Army as a mark of honour to the martyred sepoy. Several political leaders, including BJP MP Ravi Shankar Prasad, Danapur MLA Asha Sinha, Patna (East) MLA Arun Kumar Sinha, Maner MLA Bhai Birendra and many other prominent persons were present there to pay their respects to the departed soul. A large number of local people also turned up to pay a tearful homage to the brave jawan of the 21st battalion of the Bihar Regiment.    Vijay's body was brought back here on Wednesday night.

Vivek, the six-year-old son of the martyred jawan, lit the funeral pyre amid chanting of "Vijay Kumar Rai Amar Rahe". According to victim's brother Rajkishore, Vijay's two minor children - Vivek and Neha - are deeply shocked. During his stay here in July, Vijay had promised to purchase a bicycle for Vivek during his next visit to Danapur in September. Vijay wanted to make Neha a doctor.
  Later, two state ministers - Narendra Singh and Awadhesh Kushwaha - visited the two villages and consoled the bereaved families. Bihar Legislative Council deputy speaker Salim Perwez was also present on the occasion.

in Bhojpur, Lance Naik Shambhu Sharan Rai was consigned to flames with full state honours in a garden near his native village Harnahi Tola under the Jagdishpur police station of the district on Thursday morning.

State food and consumer protection minister Shyam Razak, DM Pankaj Kumar Pal, SP Satyaveer Singh and several Army personnel were present on the occasion.

Martyr Shambhu's three-year-old son Piyush performed the last rites of his father. Piyush was carried in the lap of his uncle Hareram Rai while Shambhu's three daughters witnessed it with stony silence. People were seen crying.

Earlier on Wednesday night, the martyr's body, wrapped in a tricolour, reached his native village. Shambhu's wailing family members were inconsolable and his mother Kusum Devi and wife Sapana were seen lying on the floor of their house in an unconscious state. The shocked villagers wanted a strong and befitting reply by the Indian government to the Pakistan army. Gloom descended on Sonapura village, Shambhu's "sasural". His father-in-law Jai Ram Rai and mother-in-law Heeramuni Devi are shocked at the great loss.

Shambhu is survived by three daughters - Priya, Priyanka and Preeti - and son Piyush.

The martyr's sobbing father Banshidhar Rai, a constable at Madhubani jail, said his son's death has come as a bolt from the blue for him and his family. His brother Ekram Rai said Shambhu had visited the village in April to meet his ailing father.

Shambhu's uncle Triloki Nath Rai and brother Hareram said the Indian government must avenge the armymen's killings.

Meanwhile, minister Shyam Razak visited the native village of the martyr again on Thursday and gave a cheque of Rs 10 lakh to the bereaved family.
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