Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Bihar Development Foundation U.K. - Aims and Objectives

Bihar Development Foundation U.K. - Aims and Objectives

The Bihar Development Foundation UK’s identity coalesced in 2007 in efforts by professionals in the United Kingdom most of whom had their cultural origins in India, and in Bihar in particular. These professionals had for some years been supporting individual projects and causes for educational, social and medical development in Bihar, one of India’s poorest States.
A crisis occurred in 2007 when Bihar was badly affected by monsoon floods, and many thousands were homeless and starving. The professionals donating aid to Bihar decided to combine their contributions, on the assumption that identifying areas of greatest need and combining the aid from UK sources would be most effective. An additional advantage of combining the efforts of donors is that The Foundation can liaise with local volunteers and NGOs who can make sure that the funds will be directed most effectively wherever there is most need.
Establishing a Bihar Development Foundation UK in the UK gives a profile and identity which is already proving highly effective in fund-raising.
  • The Foundation hopes that in time the work of the Bihar Development Foundation UK can be extended to the whole of India, and to other countries in southern Asia.
  • The Foundation will work for uplifment of Sports especially for disabled Children in the UK.

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