Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Bihar Development Foundation UK

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UK Charity Holds Heart Check-up Camp

Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Free health camp organized by Bihar Development Foundation UK, in Patna on Wednesday.
Free health camp organized by Bihar Development Foundation UK, in Patna on Thursday.
Patna: The Bihar Development Foundation UK, a registered charity in UK organized a heart disease detection and treatment camp in Rukunpura area of Patna on Thursday.
The camp was inaugurated by Bihar Health Minister Ashwini Kumar Choubey and was held under the guidance of Dr. Rajay Narain, Cardiologist, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, UK, and Secretary Bihar Development Foundation, UK.
The camp was designed to detect high risk patients who are likely to suffer from coronary artery disease or heart attack and educate them about the risk factors like diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, smoking and eating habits, Dr. Narain informed Punyatma Sharan, Political Director, PatnaDaily.Com and Founder/CEO - PolityIndia.Com.
The latest WHO report that suggests 46% death occur from coronary artery disease in South Asian countries was also discussed and a long term plan to combat this problem was also chalked out.
Others present on the occasion included Dr. Bimal Karak, Sec. General BDF, UK, Bihar Chapter; Dr. Sunil Agrawal, Dr. E. Haque, Dr. Arvind Kumar, Mr. Manish Tiwary, Mr. Umesh Mishra, and Dr. H R Mishra.
Dr. Narain announced that the foundation would launch more of these camps in different parts of the state this year.

Healthy Heart Project Launched by UK Foundation

Tuesday, 09 August 2011
Healthy Heart Project launched in Bihar by the Bihar Foundation (UK) on Tuesday.
Patna: The Healthy Heart Project Sponsored by the Bihar Development Foundation (UK) was launched with big fanfare at the Bihar Military Police (BMP) campus in Patna on Tuesday by Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi in the presence of Bihar Health Minister Ashwini Kumar Choubey.
Modi lauded the efforts of the foundation and said that BDF UK was doing a great job in health sector in Bihar and had also created great awareness about various health issues.
On the occasion, the Deputy Chief Minister also released a booklet titled ‘How to Prevent Heart Attack' by Dr. Rajay Narain, Cardiologist, West Birmingham Hospital, UK.
Choubey assured the foundation of providing full support to the project in launching it in different parts of the state, Dr. Narain, who is also the Secretary of the UK chapter of the Foundation, informed Punyatma Sharan, Political Director - PatnaDaily.Com and Founder/CEO - PolityIndia.Com.
The project will include screening people who are at risk of having heart attack by holding free health camps. The screening will also include cholesterol, diabetes, and blood pressure test along with their treatment. Educating about the risks of smoking and how to lead a healthy life style with the help of British Heart Foundation is also part of the agenda, Dr. Bimal Karak, the national coordinator of the Bihar Development Foundation (UK) said.
The Camp will be held in different places in the state and in the coming months, the project will also launch the Mobile Ambulance Van which will travel to interior parts of the state to screen people for heart diseases.
According to a recent estimate, there are still thousands of people who are dying from heart disease as they are not screened for risk factors causing heart attack, Dr. Narain said.
The project will be run in accordance with the National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence (NICE) U.K. guidelines. The Project will run with the help of British Heart Foundation UK and Dr. Mahendra Narain Foundation India.
The project has been launched under the guidance of Dr. Narain who said that it was for the first time that a project like this had been launched in Bihar where costly tests like Lipid Profile, Blood Sugar, ECGs would be done free of charge as part of the project in parts of the state where heart disease was rampant.
Among those who were present on the occasion included A. C. Verma, ADG (BMP), Anil Sinha, IG (BMP) and Dr. Bimal Karak.
The BDF UK is a Registered Charity in the UK and consists of Dr. Murli Sinha, Dr. Ashok Pathak, Dr. Amit Kishore, Dr. Chitij Mohan, Dr. Anurodh Bhawnani, and Dr. Vishwajeet Kumar.

Bihar Foundation (UK) Reveals its Bihar Agenda

Manchester: October 17, 2010
Bihar Foundation (UK) Reveals its Bihar AgendaManchester (UK): The Bihar Development Foundation UK, a registered charity in the UK, will be sponsoring a number of health projects in Bihar in 2011.
This was decided at the annual general meeting of the charity in Manchester (UK) today. The Charity decided on these projects taking into consideration major health problems in the state.
The main projects which were selected for 2011 include: Jagjiwan Sanatorium in Dehri -on -Sone which has been fighting against TB in the state through various program including the hospital and the satellite camps, treating several thousand patients in the last five decade.
The second project to receive funding was the Healthy Heart Project which will be run with the help of Dr. Mahendra Narain Foundation in the state, by screening patients who are at risk of developing heart disease by organizing health camps to detect and treat hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, and educating them about the hazards of smoking and other risk factors with the help of British Heart Foundation UK.
The third project which got clearance was the Karjain Health Centre in Supaul that has been operational for last two years with the help of NGO Prayas and the Government of Bihar.
The foundation decided to continue its support to the Primary Health Centre that caters to the need of a population of seventy thousand in the area. The charity also decided to fund Sundari Devi High School in Samastipur.
The 2011 agenda was disclosed by Dr. Rajay Narain, Secretary of the Foundation.
Mr Paul Goggins, MP, Manchester, on the occasion, lauded the efforts of the Foundation in carrying its health project for the last three years.
Other members present on the occasion included Dr. Murli Sinha, Dr. Ashok Pathak, Dr. Amit Kishore, Dr. Anurodh Bhawnani and Dr. Vishwajeet Kumar.
The Sale and District Lions Club and Intercontinental Hotel Group were felicitated for Outstanding Community Service on the occasion.
The Foundation also appointed Dr Deepak Mundinamani and Dr Sudhir Wadhawne as the two new coordinators for the UK.

Bihar Foundation Donates Ambulance to Patna Hospital

Patna: September 24, 2009
Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi, at a function organized in Patna on Thursday, handed over the key to an ambulance donated by the Bihar Development Foundation (BDF), UK, to the Director of the hospital Dr. V. N. Prasad.
Bihar Foundation Donates Ambulance to Patna Hospital"The ambulance will be used for organizing health camps in various areas of Bihar," Dr. Rajay Narain, the foundation secretary, informed Punyatma Sharan, PatnaDaily Political Director, from Manchester, UK.
Dr. Narain further informed that the Foundation recently took over the Karjain Health Centre in Supaul with the help of PRAYAS, an NGO, and the Government of Bihar, to provide basic health care facilities in the area.
An eye camp was organized by the Foundation last month during which 50 patients with cataract problem were operated upon completely free of charge.
The Foundation, in conjunction with the Dr. Mahendra Narain Foundation, Vidyawati Trust, and the state government, will soon be launching a number of health programs to address problems related to hypertension, diabetes, and Heart Disease, Dr. Narain said.
The BDF, in the last few years, has organized several health camps and flood relief operations in Bihar.
The organization consists mainly of Biharis settled in the UK including Prof. G. K. Verma, Dr. Ashok Pathak, Dr. Murli Sinha, Dr. Amit Kishore, Dr. Rajay Narain, Dr. Chhitij Mohan, Dr. Anurodh Bhawnani, Dr. S. M. S. Raza, and Dr. Vishwajeet Kumar.
Thursday function was attended by a number of physicians including Dr. Sanjay Jaiswal (MP), Dr. Bimal Karak, BDF National Coordinator, Dr. B. B. Verma, Dr. Jaipuriyrar, Dr. A. S. B. Sahay, Dr. Anurag Verma and Mrs. Chanda Prasad.

BBC News Clips about Bihar Development Foundation UK - Dr Rajay Narain on BBC North West about Bihar Floods

Bihar Development Foundation UK Team in India (Jan 2009)

The Bihar Development Foundation UK team visited India last week to review the sitaution of the Flood Relief work being done in Bihar. The team comprising Dr Ashok Pathak and Dr Rajay Narain met members of different NGOs working for it in Bihar.
The series of meetings were attended by Mr Amod Kanth, Secretary, PRAYAS, Mr Arbind Singh, Director, Nidan & Dr V N Prasad, Secretary, Vidyawati Eye Trust.
Dr Narain announced that free blankets will be distributed in the flood affected regions in next few days with help of NIDAN.
Mr Kanth informed that the Medical Health Centre will be set up soon at Katariya, Supaul which will be jointly run by Bihar Development Foundation U.K. and PRAYAS.
Dr V N Prasad informed that he was having final talks with local doctors in Purnea to organise a Free EYE CHECK UP CAMP and FREE CATARACT SURGERY in Flood affected areas of Purnea.
Dr Narain thanked the Lions Club in UK especially the Sale District for their active support and financial help in Flood Relief work.

Dr Ashok Pathak on BBBC North about his visit to Bihar flood region

Live report from Bihar Development Foundation U.K. team in Bihar

Dear Friend,
We are writing this mail after the Bihar Development Foundation U.K. team visited few of the flood affected areas of Bihar.
The Bihar Development Foundation U.K. team comprising of Dr Rajay Narain, Secretary, Bihar Development Foundation U.K., Dr Bimal Karak, National Coordinator, India and Mr D Verma, Coordinator, Bihar visited some of the flood affected areas in Bihar on 12th Sept 08.
The condition remains pathetic as many of the villagers are still stranded in interior areas of Supaul and there are many who have lost everything. The Govt and NGOs are helping them with daily food and relief material in the makeshift camps but more long term planning is required.
More than 50 people have died from diarrhoea and vomiting in these regions in last 2 weeks. The condition of the children is most bothering as they are more susceptible to water borne diseases.

Bihar Development Foundation U.K.'s Efforts:

  1. Relief materials worth Rs 50,000 already dispatched to Supaul with help of NIDAN(NGO) on Saturday 13th Sept.
  2. The Indian Medical Association( Bihar Branch) in association with Bihar Development Foundation U.K. has dispatched team of 22 doctors for the flood affected areas.
  3. The Bihar Development Foundation U.K. team held a two hour long meeting on 12th Sept with Mr Nitish Mishra, Minister, Disaster Management, Bihar alongwith representatives of Prayas (NGO), Gyan Bharti( NGO) and IMA, Bihar branch to plan strategies for proper implementation of programmes. Mr Mishra emphasised the need to do more for rehab work post floods.
  4. Appeal has been made through TV, Radio, Newspapers and emails to collect more funds for the cause.

    Dr Ashok Pathak, Vice President, Bihar Development Foundation U.K. has made appeal through Hull newsapers and radio stations.

    Dr Murli Sinha, President, Bihar Development Foundation U.K. has issued personal appeal to all the citizens in Midlands.

    Dr Amit Kishore, Director, Operations, Bihar Development Foundation U.K. has appealed through Hartlepool newspapers.

    Dr Anurodh Bhawnani, Coordinator, UK has appealed in different hospitals through posters.

    Dr Saurabh Shandilya and Dr Vishwajeet Singh are appealing in Wales to help the Foundation.

    Mr Neeraj Kumar, London is the our new contact in London appealing to people to help Bihar Development Foundation U.K.

    Dr Ajay Kapoor, Bolton has appealed to his contacts to help the Foundation.

    Dr Sonal Singh, Dr Prem Singh and Mrs Anjana Sahay have appealed for Bihar Development Foundation U.K. in USA.

    Mr Mohit Ranjan has been appointed Coordinator in Paris, France to streamline efforts in France.

    Dr Rajay Narain, Secretary, Bihar Development Foundation U.K. has appealed through newspapers in North West and BBC radio for help.
  5. The Bihar Development Foundation U.K. will observe Bihar Flood Relief Day on 17th October in association with American Organisation for Development of Bihar, USA and other organisations.
Please visit our website: and help us in our mission.
Please feel free to contact us for any help.
Dr Amit Kishore
Director, Operations
Bihar Development Foundation U.K.
Dr Bimal Karak
National Coordinator, India
Bihar Development Foundation U.K.

Three million displaced in Bihar floods

PATNA, India - Authorities struggling to provide aid after devastating floods in Bihar said on Sunday they needed more boats and rescuers to help hundreds of thousands of people still marooned in remote villages.
Bad weather and heavy rain over the past few days have hampered rescue and relief operations in the worst-ever floods to hit Bihar state in 50 years, officials said.
"I can't say specifically how many people are still stranded in floods," Nitish Mishra, the state's disaster management minister said on Sunday.
"But their numbers are in lakhs (hundreds of thousands) and we require more resources, more boats, army and rescue efforts to evacuate them."
Floods have killed more than 1,000 people in South Asia since the monsoon began in June, mainly in Uttar Pradesh, where 785 people died, and deaths were also reported in Nepal and Bangladesh.
In Bihar, the toll rose to 90 on Sunday with five more people drowning overnight in separate districts.
At least 3 million people have been displaced and those figures could rise as heavy rain continued, officials said.
Television pictures showed villagers holding on to tails of cattle as they crossed flooded roads with belongings on their heads. Some were seen frantically waving at a few boatmen to come and rescue them.
"I presented my buffalo to the boatman in exchange for a place in his boat since I don't have any money," Shambhoo Yadav, a rescued villager said.
Authorities also complained that thousands of villagers have refused to be evacuated and go to camps, saying they wanted to stay back and protect their belongings.
The latest flooding occurred after the Kosi river burst a dam in neighbouring Nepal earlier this month and changed its course, swamping hundreds of villages in Bihar and destroying more than 100,000 hectares (247,000 acres) of farmlands.
In Nepal, officials said repairing the dam was under way but turning the river back to its original course would take time.
At least seven people were killed in monsoon floods and landslides in Nepal on Saturday, raising the monsoon-related death toll in the Himalayan nation to more than 100 this year.
Villagers in Bihar complained that relief was not reaching them and many are living without food for three-four days.
"We ate after nearly a week today," Manohar Prasad, a rescued villager from flood-hit Madhepura district told reporters at a camp near Patna. "Some people donated us money," he said, while eating some bread.
The Bihar government has been severely criticised by newspapers for failing to act in time to evacuate villagers.

Flood Relief Material Despatched to Samsatipur

The Bihar Development Foundation U.K. has sent flood relief material to Samastiput today, one of the worst affected areas in Bihar. The consignment was flagged of by Honb'le Justice Chandramauli Kumar Prasad, Judge, Patna High Court in Patna today. Mr Prasad praised the continious effort being made by the foundation.
The relief progrmme in Samastipur has been laucnhed with the help of PRAYAS one of the biggest NGOs in India.
Others present on the occasion were Dr S N Mishra, Director IGIC, Dr Ashok Bhawnani, Mr S K Shah Secretary, Samaj Kalyan Samiti, Sri G Narain Ex DG, Police, Mr V K Luthra, Dr Brij Lal and Dr U K Jha.

Flood relief operation pictures from Samstipur.

In News

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The Bihar Development Foundation U.K. team will be visiting Bihar in the first week of November

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