Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bihar Agricultural Management & Extention Training Institute, Patna ,Bihar

What is BAMETI ?
BAMETI is a State level institution which is autonomous with greater flexibility in structure and functioning and are responsible for organizing need based training programmes for the project implementation functionaries of different line departments as well as the farming community. This can be achieved through linkages with other technical and management institutions in the State to support desired training input. 'BAMETI' has to function with the technical guidance of the National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management.
BAMETI proposed to be autonomous institution with greater flexibility in structural and operational aspects. Its Role is as follows.
To provide need based consultancy services to Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) in the areas like project planning, appraisal, implementation, etc.
Develop and promote appropriate and specific management tools for improving the effectiveness of agricultural extension services through better management of human and material resources.
Organize need based training programme for middle level and grass root level agricultural extension functionaries.
  Management, Communication, Participatory Methodologies etc. as a sequel to the feedback from training programmes.
It should have close linkage with institutions like KVKs, ZRS, State Agricultural Universities, NGOs, Management Institutions MANAGE, to use appropriate faculty resource from these institutions for training and  consultancy services to ATMA functionaries, farmers and other clients.
To conduct studies on problems related to Agriculture Extension Management, Communication and information technology, agriculture product marketing, human resource development using participatory approaches.

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